How do you keep a beagle pup quiet during the night?

Hi, i just got my beagle pup about a week ago. he is 3 months old. my family gives him alot of attention during the day to keep him busy.(playing around, taking him to pee.. etc) during the night he scratches the age of his crate constantly, my parents…

    How do you keep a beagle pup quiet during the night?

    Hi, i just got my beagle pup about a week ago. he is 3 months old. my family gives him alot of attention during the day to keep him busy.(playing around, taking him to pee.. etc) during the night he scratches the age of his crate constantly, my parents…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do you keep a beagle pup quiet during the night?...

    • How do you keep a beagle pup quiet during the night?

      How do you keep a beagle pup quiet during the night? Dog Breed Discussions
      Hi, i just got my beagle pup about a week ago. he is 3 months old. my family gives him alot of attention during the day to keep him busy.(playing around, taking him to pee.. etc) during the night he scratches the age of his crate constantly, my parents have trouble sleeping and i want them to be happy with the dog because he is a good dog its just that he whines and barks during the night. all answers are great, i just need help! thank you !

      How do you keep a beagle pup quiet during the night?

      How do you keep a beagle pup quiet during the night? Dog Breed Discussions
    • This is something you will just have to deal with until he gets a little older. The last thing you want to do with him is give him any attention at all while he is in his crate and scratching or whining. If you give him attention while he is doing this, you will be teaching him that if he acts like that, you will give him attention. Just ignore him completely while he is in the crate and he will eventually understand that when you put him in the kennel he is just stuck there until you decide that he can come out.

    • he might be teething, give him some raw hide bones for his size and maybe some treats that he likes, but something that will work him untill he falls asleep.

    • My Italian greyhound did that too eventually they will stop. I put a stuffed animal a black dog in with her and for some reason it calmed her right down. Now she can't sleep with out it. Also try putting a dirty shirt you just wore in with her.

    • First off, crate training takes time!! I would recommend putting some toys in his crate and try crating him some during the day so that he gets used to it rather than just at night. Durning the day, put him in there and if he barks and whines, you ignore him until he is quiet. Once he is quiet, you can let him out.

    • let him out of the crate, put him on your bed, he just wants to be with his pack and family. when he has to pee at four in the morning he will wake up, and you should try to wake up as well and take him out. also, if he is not house trained, and must be in the crate, then make sure it is right next to your bed. dogs are pack animals, just like wolves. and more important to a dog than its den, is its pack. dogs don't even usually sleep in dens. they sleep in packs. freedom to the pup!

    • Put a wind-up clock inside a dirty sock and put that in the crate with the pup. The ticking and the familiar scent on the sock will both act to calm him and let him sleep better.

    • Your parents should have the pup in a doggie bed inside a wire crate covered mostly with a big towel. Put a worn tee shirt in there that someone wore all day so it has the smell of the person on it. The cratel should be in the bedroom close to the bed so the pup knows that they are there. That's what we did for our beagle mix puppy after the first nite and he's been great ever since. Take the dog and crate into your room with you.

    • crate training takes awhile, when my beagle was a pup, i fenced his crate and covered the bottom with paper so he wouldn't be able to see through the crate to let him know that its safe and i would pet him until he fell asleep. What also helps is giving him toys to sleep with or a blanket.

    • DONT LISTEN TO THE OTHER IDIOTS what you need to do is this instead of letting him sleep in his cage let him sleep with you in your bed i have a poodle and he scratched his cage all night so then i decided to let himsleep with me so he wont scratch anything i made my legs into kind of a bed shape then my small poodle curled up into my legs and slept turns out all he wanted to do is sleep with me his owner so all he wants is your love while he sleeps let him sleep with you trust me it works dont worry he wont poo or pee on the floor dongs cant go in the dark so your puppy will hold it in untile you take him out in the morning ok? thats all you need to do