How can I get my 10 month old beagle to stop chewing everything?

My beagle, Stella, has been chewing everything. We come home from school and work and there's always something on the floors or the beds that she's torn up. She keeps eating up my dad's plants. She ripped up the bottom of the curtain in my living room…

    How can I get my 10 month old beagle to stop chewing everything?

    My beagle, Stella, has been chewing everything. We come home from school and work and there's always something on the floors or the beds that she's torn up. She keeps eating up my dad's plants. She ripped up the bottom of the curtain in my living room…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can I get my 10 month old beagle to stop chewing everything?...

    • How can I get my 10 month old beagle to stop chewing everything?

      How can I get my 10 month old beagle to stop chewing everything? Dog Breed Discussions
      My beagle, Stella, has been chewing everything. We come home from school and work and there's always something on the floors or the beds that she's torn up. She keeps eating up my dad's plants. She ripped up the bottom of the curtain in my living room yesterday. What are some effective ways to get her to stop?

      How can I get my 10 month old beagle to stop chewing everything?

      How can I get my 10 month old beagle to stop chewing everything? Dog Breed Discussions
    • The easiest way is to crate her when your out. You can also buy some " don't chew spray " ( don't remember the exact name but it makes thing taste bitter or something ) Or train her, the chewing may be because shes bored, if its because shes bored give her some mental stimulation. This link may be of help

    • Chewing relieves anxiety, your dog knows this and is trying to help itself because no human in the house is doing it.............anxiety from isolation, boredom, lack of exercise both mental and physical

    • When you are not home, she should be safely contained within a crate. It may seem cruel, as I am sure she will not enjoy it. But next time, what if she chews an electrical wire?She may also need more exercise. Beagles are a high energy breed of dog, and if they are not properly exercised, they do tend to get bored and chew things

    • Say "No" to her in a firm voice but don't hit or yell at her. Get her some dog toys to chew on so she won't have to chew on everything else. She may be teething or otherwise its in her nature to chew so she can't help it.

    • Beagles are a WORKING breed dog - they must have extensive exercise DAILY. These dogs love to run, dig, hunt, bark, etc. It is in the Beagles' genes to hunt, dig for prey, etc. That's what they were bred for. Since your dog probably won't hunt, it must have other activities to keep it mentally and physically happy. Stella simply needs more activities to do when you and your family are home.An under-exercised dog chews up things just as yours is doing. Is she getting ALOT of exercise day? As in is the dog walked for 1-2 hours a day, played with in the yard, given jobs to do, etc?The answer here is simple, exercise the dog more, and he will become less destructive. Beagles are smaller, but they are full of energy and NEED exercise, I cannot stress this enough.In the meantime, you may want to invest in a dog crate which will keep her contained while no one is home to not only keep her safe from eating anything dangerous, but also to protect your items. Make sure you put a bed in her crate and make it a happy place for her.More on crate training:

    • Crate her when you are gone. She is plenty old enough to be crated for the duration of a regular working day. Beagles need lots of exercise, so an hour long walk in the morning and at night are necessary. Leash walks provide better stimulus than simply putting her out in the yard.

    • dont leave anything on the floor that the dog could chew only leave toys for her to chew. I have a 5 month old puppy and she eats everything and i always got to take stuff away from her. i gave her a bunch of my lil cuzins toys. my puppy loves squeaky and singing toys trying to get something that sings and give it to her and she should be distracted for a while until she passes out. well thats what my puppy does.

    • I know it sounds mean.. but for me, I scream "NO!!" to my parrot, and it will instantly stop from doing it.Other 4 ways:1- Hit it on it's mouth (Not hard Plz!) so that it shows you are warning your pup.2- If you have a back yard, buy some toys and place it in the back yard. 3- If the second doesn't work, ground your pup.. (Such as no TOYS)4- If all don't work, you may want to buy the mouth thingy for dogs..Good Luck!

    • It's natural for this particular age and breed of dog to chew things. Your dog is simply bored so you need to exercise her and while you're not home, leave dog toys lying around and put your items somewhere out of reach of the dog. Now, to get her to stop chewing things that you cant move, recommend getting 'Scram' or a spray of some sort. Good luck!