What is the best way for a beagle to learn tricks?

I have a girl beagle just over a year old, and I want to start teaching her higher level tricks than sit, lay down and shake a paw. I would like to know what are some techniques to teach your dogs new tricks? Also, does anyone know how you would begin to…

    What is the best way for a beagle to learn tricks?

    I have a girl beagle just over a year old, and I want to start teaching her higher level tricks than sit, lay down and shake a paw. I would like to know what are some techniques to teach your dogs new tricks? Also, does anyone know how you would begin to…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What is the best way for a beagle to learn tricks?...

    • What is the best way for a beagle to learn tricks?

      What is the best way for a beagle to learn tricks? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a girl beagle just over a year old, and I want to start teaching her higher level tricks than sit, lay down and shake a paw. I would like to know what are some techniques to teach your dogs new tricks? Also, does anyone know how you would begin to get a dog to track someone?

      What is the best way for a beagle to learn tricks?

      What is the best way for a beagle to learn tricks? Dog Breed Discussions
    • A beagle is a very stubborn dog to train. it could take alot of patience and time to train a beagle. If you want her to track stuff have some one cover her eyes and let her smell one of her favorite treats but don't let her eat it . hide the treat in a corner that's not to far from her over time move the treat further away from her position . soon enough the dog will be able to smell different things and learn to track them. Try a trainer to help her learn some new tricks and try to practice with her in the park . you have to build up a beagles trust to be more coapporative with her.

    • The best method I find to teaching dogs is food reward.Well I'll tell you how I taught my dog to dance, jump, roll over, beg, speak, and an unnamed trick we just call heel.DANCEwave a treat above your dogs head so it rises to its hind legs to get the treat. They will hop around, looking like a dance. Before you give the dog the treat, say dance. Sometimes a hand gesture will help. Keep repeating in 15 min sessions, max 3 a day.JUMPI taught my dog to jump after she knew dance. I repeated the step for dance, but held a treat just out of her reach, so she had to jump to get it. Once she jumped, I didn't release the treat, I said jump, then gave her the treat. I use a hand waving downwards to tell her where to jump, it is easy because she is imitating the jumping for the treat.ROLL OVERAssuming your dog knows lay down, or drop, hold a treat just to the side of its head, so it knows its there. Then, your dog will try to get it, and you move it as the dog rolls over, say roll over and give the treat. If the dog stands up to get it, say no, take the treat out of view and start over.BEGThis is one of the hardest dog tricks, but first off command your dog to sit. Then raise the treat above its nose, until it is in begging position. As in other tricks, if the dog stands up to get the treat, take it out of view and start again.SPEAKWhen your dog is in a playful mood, playfully bark at it, until it barks back at you. When it does, say speak, award a treat and keep repeatingUNNAMED TRICK (HEEL)Get your dog to face you, while you stand up straight,, and get the dog to follow the treat behind your back and to your side. Then say whatever you want the trick to be called, and reward your dog. Make sure the dog stops at your side, and doesn't continue.TRACKINGUsually the easiest way to teach tracking is to take your dog to tracking classes. Depending on your country or state, (Say you live in South Australia I picked it because it has a good website) search on google/Yahoo Tracking club of (State). Then just enrol in classes.You might aswell take a look at what tracking classes can offer your dog.http://www.dogssa.com.au/Website/index.php?id=35&level=2Hope I helped!