How do I get these itches to leave my beagle alone?

My beagle is really itchy but doesn't have fleas. He is mostly itchy on his rump and tail base, but also his bellybutton! He doesn't have fleas or ticks, and he is kept in our yard.Also, he isn't loosing fur, except in the places on his tail that he…

    How do I get these itches to leave my beagle alone?

    My beagle is really itchy but doesn't have fleas. He is mostly itchy on his rump and tail base, but also his bellybutton! He doesn't have fleas or ticks, and he is kept in our yard.Also, he isn't loosing fur, except in the places on his tail that he…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do I get these itches to leave my beagle alone?...

    • How do I get these itches to leave my beagle alone?

      How do I get these itches to leave my beagle alone? Dog Breed Discussions
      My beagle is really itchy but doesn't have fleas. He is mostly itchy on his rump and tail base, but also his bellybutton! He doesn't have fleas or ticks, and he is kept in our yard.Also, he isn't loosing fur, except in the places on his tail that he scratches raw.

      How do I get these itches to leave my beagle alone?

      How do I get these itches to leave my beagle alone? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Sounds Like Fleas, He Might Not Have Many And Thats Why You Cant Find Them, Or Mites, From The Garden....Or Mange...That Could Be Serious So If You See Him Loosing Fur GET TO A VET!!!*You Can Still Treat Him For Fleas Even If You Dont Think He Has Them, It Wont Harm Him One Bit*

    • It is probably a yeast infection (candida). You can get a product called, Anti-itch spray from Pet Relief, but it will only help a little. Try bathing the dog in Malaseb shampoo (leaving it on for the prescribed amount of time), and I think you can only get it from a vet. Then, change the diet to a grain-free diet - grain feeds candida. Some foods have added other things such as potato, but wheat and corn are the worst offenders in causing the yeast to grow and irritate the poor doggie. Benadryl may help, temporarily, but you will really need to try the food change. You might need to make a change more than once to determine which is best for your own dog. If it is especially severe, you can get some prednisone-type of medication to help out on a short-term basis, but in the long run, it only causes more problems. You have to get to the root of the problem, which is most likely the food. It can take time for it to really help.