How to teach border collie puppy words?

I have a 14 week old border collie puppy and she is really smart. She knows the commands come, sit, stay, off,down, up, and rollover. I recently got a big box for her. I have bought her loads of toys. I know she needs a lot of mental stimulation. I am…

    How to teach border collie puppy words?

    I have a 14 week old border collie puppy and she is really smart. She knows the commands come, sit, stay, off,down, up, and rollover. I recently got a big box for her. I have bought her loads of toys. I know she needs a lot of mental stimulation. I am…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How to teach border collie puppy words?...

    • How to teach border collie puppy words?

      How to teach border collie puppy words? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a 14 week old border collie puppy and she is really smart. She knows the commands come, sit, stay, off,down, up, and rollover. I recently got a big box for her. I have bought her loads of toys. I know she needs a lot of mental stimulation. I am trying to teach her the names of all the toys so she can fetch them when I say. She already knows how to fetch. What is the best way to teach her all of the names? Thanks.

      How to teach border collie puppy words?

      How to teach border collie puppy words? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Putting words to objects takes a long time and many repetitions. When your dog brings you an object, that's when you put words to it. For example if she brings a stuffed duck and that's what you want the name to be, you'd say "Good duck", so she'd start pairing the name to the object. It just takes a lot of repetitions especially if there are many different objects.

    • Hold up the toy and tell her the name. Do that on five or six toys. They have her lie down on command. Put the tops about ten feet away on the rug. Give her the command to get ...whatever the name of the toy is. Praise her for a correct response. She will learn quickly. There is a great clip on utube of a young bc doing exactyl this. I think her name is Star. Check it out. She is filmed about 5 times at various ages. She is drop dead smart- like mine are! :)

    • I would start off by teaching the names of just two toys, until she learns that the point of the game is to fetch the one you name. Then, introduce more and more one at a time, so that the challenge increases in difficulty as she gets better at it.This is great for your dog, by the way! Border collies are my favourite dogs, really cute and smart. I'm pretty sure mine remembers the names of her toys better than I do by may want to start making a list :)

    • You just follow the Instructions below* Step 1: Establish a dominant relationship over your puppy. This may sound harsh, but border collie puppies are extremely intelligent and will quickly learn how to control their owners. Border collies are herding dogs and with that comes certain behaviors. If your dog thinks she is the alpha dog, these behaviors can become dangerous. For instance, these dogs have stalking and herding tendencies and will go after almost anything that moves, including bikes, other animals and even children. That is why it is important to be able to give your border collie puppy a command and have her obey it.* Step 2: Purchase a dog crate. A dog crate is an ideal tool to potty train and to establish a safe haven for your puppy. Don't buy a crate that is too big---you want a crate that is just big enough for your border collie to stand up and turn around in. If the crate is too big, she won't mind relieving herself in it because she can simply move away. But if she has to lay in her urine or stool, she will quickly learn not to use the bathroom in the crate.Additionally, many border collie puppies see their crates as dens. Many enjoy their time in the crates and will often go inside them voluntarily. If your puppy doesn't like her crate at first, try feeding her in it. This may help her to become comfortable with it and associate it with things she likes.* Step 3: Socialize your border collie puppy. Let him interact with people, as well as other pets, as often as you can. However, it is important to keep your puppy away from other dogs until she has finished receiving her complete set of puppy shots. Socializing your border collie puppy will teach her how to behave appropriately with people and dogs. That is, you can teach her not to jump on other people and not to be aggressive toward other dogs.* Step 4: Train your dog using the same commands and routines. Border collies, as well as other dogs, respond best to commands when they are taught in the same way every time. For instance, to get her to lay down, say the same word each time. If you want her to respond to the word "down," be consistent in using this word. Don't use an alternate word or she may get confused.Well for more information about it so you can try australianwholesalers

    • With lots of repetition and lots of patience! Also, only teach her the word for one object at once, so she doesn't get confused. When she has mastered what a 'ball' is, for example, then you can move on to 'bone.'Do this by passing her the ball to her mouth, and saying "Ball! Good girl to take the ball" or whatever. Do this a few times then put the ball down, if she so much as touches it either click and reward her (if you are clicker training her) and say the "ball, good girl", or if you're not CT her just say "ball, good girl!" Do this over and over, until eventually you can say "where's your ball?" And she goes and finds it. Make this into a hide-and-seek type game, starting easy (by the side of you) and gradually over a couple weeks making it harder (in another room).After that you can repeat with another object,Good luck and have fun :)