What is the best way to train a Border Collie?

I want to buy a Border Collie because i find them extremely cute and heard they were very smart. I am very interested in training one for competition and I've done some research and found conflicting evidence. I have many questions such as; should i use…

    What is the best way to train a Border Collie?

    I want to buy a Border Collie because i find them extremely cute and heard they were very smart. I am very interested in training one for competition and I've done some research and found conflicting evidence. I have many questions such as; should i use…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What is the best way to train a Border Collie?...

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    • What is the best way to train a Border Collie?

      What is the best way to train a Border Collie? Dog Breed Discussions
      I want to buy a Border Collie because i find them extremely cute and heard they were very smart. I am very interested in training one for competition and I've done some research and found conflicting evidence. I have many questions such as; should i use toys or treats as lure, or when should i start teaching? ect. Please if u have any tips answer, even a website link would help.

      What is the best way to train a Border Collie?

      What is the best way to train a Border Collie? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Well it's just a regular dog so just train it how you would any otherfor our dogs we used treats and it works wellhttp://www.uwsp.edu/psych/dog/dog.htm

    • you should use treats not toys because he or she might think you playing and i have a mini ausi and they are very smart and you also should train in five min sessions or they get bored

    • Please don't buy a Border Collie for these reasons!Unless you are willing to put in a LOT of mental stimulation (training and games) as well as exercise do not even think about it, or you will regret it. So many Collies are handed into rescues because the owner can't cope. You know they are intelligent - they need to use their minds otherwise they can and often do go crazy.

    • We have has Border Collies and now have a mix..we trained without anything other than praise..they are set to work and want to please so they are so easy to train with just praise..we make a big deal when they do something right ho ray and hugs and they are allowed to jump up for hugs then..our stumpy tail acds are the same just without the neurotic side to them..Borders are very hard to live with if you don't keep them busy..

    • I'm sorry but the first part of your question made me cringe. "extremely cute and heard they were very smart."Border Collies are definitely not for everyone. First off, what kind of "competition" do you plan on training for? There are many kinds.You start basic obedience training as soon as you bring the pup home. The use of treats vs. toys is a personal choice. Whatever the dog responds to the best. According to one website Border Collies are:"An intense athlete who can drive you up the wall with obsessive and destructive behaviors if you don't provide lots of exercise and creative outlets for his boundless energy "Which I will back up that statement fully.

    • I have two border collies I work moving geese and use for search and rescue. My male will not work for treats its all about praise and toys with him.My female could care less about toys and loves praise and treats. So Yes one of those will work. You should stop and do more reasearch about the breed. Border Collies are too smart and will drive most people nuts. Thats why the BC rescues are all full. If you get one plan on spending at least an hour a day playing with it and I would also suggest you do herding training. The herding sets up a great baseline for behavior and skills that can be used in other fields. I use the herding commands in K-9 SAR all the time.

    • I have a border collie right now and I love her to pieces!! Yes, they are extremely smart however this also makes them stubborn so you have to have a lot of patience and be willing to put the time in to train. I used treats to train the 1st border collie I had of 14 years and she did not respect me and would ONLY listen when I had a treat. I trained my current border collie without treat and ironically I found that she respects me way more and listens because she wants to please me not because she thinks she'll get a treat. I used a training forum actually advertised on t.v. My dad has my dog's sister and we did the training together. I think it was called the "Dog father" or something like that. lol. I was very skeptical of it at 1st especially since it was a t.v add but I did it, fallowed through and my dog listens impecably now and is very happy. The training is hard though and you have to stick with it if you want sucess for your dog. Good luck!!!!!