How do you train a border collie basic commands?

I have never trained a dog before and was wondering the best way to train a border collie? He is a wonderful dog but also a naughty one and I don't know how to train him.

    How do you train a border collie basic commands?

    I have never trained a dog before and was wondering the best way to train a border collie? He is a wonderful dog but also a naughty one and I don't know how to train him....
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do you train a border collie basic commands?...

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    • How do you train a border collie basic commands?

      How do you train a border collie basic commands? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have never trained a dog before and was wondering the best way to train a border collie? He is a wonderful dog but also a naughty one and I don't know how to train him.

      How do you train a border collie basic commands?

      How do you train a border collie basic commands? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Like most any other dogs . Here's some websites about training;;_ylt=AvDndTGdvZZjM0sWV8iE50yv4yA5;_ylv=3?qid=20120620132037AAsAL1z -GOOD this helps and good luck.

    • Start by enrolling the dog and yourself in a good obedience class. another option is to check out a couple of dog training books for your local library. BCs can become very naughty without proper mental and physical stimulation.

    • Hmm, Border collies are NOT just like any other dog when it comes to trainingThe basic theory is the same, but when you hear "make a motion with your arm to learn the command 'sit'" and you make a certain angle with your arm, you must use the same angle every time or your dog might just as well think you are trying to teach a different command. You need to be very careful, I'd even write it down if it's your first border collie, how you plan on teaching him his commands. If you use a method, you must stick to that method as exact as possible. You are NEVER to try and force a border collie to do something (like pushing down for learning him to sit) This will break your border collie and even though it might listen, it will only listen because you said so whilst a normal border collie would do it to please you (and himself). Broken BC's will do what you ask but never with enthusiasm and they'll always respond slower. They are very sensitive dogs so don't screw up!Border collies learn by playing, I find that my border collie doesn't care for candy or even meat. He wants his tennis ball or cord. Border collies have to learn new things all the time + they need to have a lot of exercise. They will get it, one way or the other and if you don't provide that stimulation you won't enjoy what your border collie comes up with. Border collies are easy to train if they get enough movement, a very consistent trainer and non-confusing commands. Border collies respond to change of tone in once's voice, arm angle, body language, ... A normal dog will simply listen to a sloppy command but since a border collie is always alert, active and thinking they'll try to analyze any changes they encounter. Normal dogs "listen", bc think and listen after that. Do not believe for a second BC's are easy to train because they are intelligent, that intelligence works in more than just 1 direction.Good luck and if you remain having difficulties, go to a training centre, border collies make great dogs but even better monsters when they don't get the training they need.

    • I could give you some instruction on how to train your Border Collie here; but it would be a very pale imitation of what you could find on a website by the very famous Dog Whisperer by the name of Cesar Millan. He has a website and made several television shows; that really explain it all. I have seen many of his shows and have been seriously impressed by his training methods. My only regret is that I didn’t see them sooner when I had the care of several Border Collies. Here are some links that will tell you all about him.… has written several books about training dogs; and don't forget that it might be possible to get some of them at your local library.I wish you many happy years with your new friend.

    • Most border collies want to please, but as I'm sure you already know, they are high energy and very intelligent so they get bored easily and that's when they get into mischief. I would also recommend signing up for a dog obedience class. Sometimes local park and recreation departments or shelters will offer them at reasonable prices. Try to find one that has reward based training methods - many border collies are very sensitive and can be devastated by harsh training methods. I disagree with some degree to another answer who suggested Cesar Milan. Cesar has his good points and at least he is consistent, but many of his methods would be too harsh for most border collies. If you've ever watched his show, you will notice that he seldom, if ever, has had any episodes with border collies. If he is being naughty, he probably needs more exercise and mental stimulation. Take him on long runs (not walks). Here is an article you might enjoy that has some suggestions for what to do with a "naughty" border collie: