How to make my Collie stop pacing in the house?

I have a 1 1/2 year old male collie iv had him 3 months and all he does in the house is pace the floor like he is lost or doesn't know what he's suppost to do. How can I get him to just lay or sit??? He knows lay down and sit just can only do it a couple…

    How to make my Collie stop pacing in the house?

    I have a 1 1/2 year old male collie iv had him 3 months and all he does in the house is pace the floor like he is lost or doesn't know what he's suppost to do. How can I get him to just lay or sit??? He knows lay down and sit just can only do it a couple…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How to make my Collie stop pacing in the house?...

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    • How to make my Collie stop pacing in the house?

      How to make my Collie stop pacing in the house? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a 1 1/2 year old male collie iv had him 3 months and all he does in the house is pace the floor like he is lost or doesn't know what he's suppost to do. How can I get him to just lay or sit??? He knows lay down and sit just can only do it a couple mins and is back up.

      How to make my Collie stop pacing in the house?

      How to make my Collie stop pacing in the house? Dog Breed Discussions
    • He's bored and he needs a job. That's one of the first things you need to know about collies. They need mental and phyiscal stimulation. It's like leaving us in a box for them, nothing to do, bored, sad. Get him to training classes and into agility or flyball. Or buy some sheep and learn to herd. Teach him your own tricks. Read up on dog sports, get a collie book.

    • He's obviously bored and needs exercise and is just pacing to get rid of some of his pent up energy. He needs a long walk and a good romp in the yard with a ball or a tug of war in the house to poop him out. A tired dog is a good dog. A tired is a resting dog. Collies are working dogs (sheep herding) and they need a job, and his job (and yours) is to walk and play. Try it for a week-daily walk and play session, and I'll bet you'll see a different, calmer, non-pacing dog. Good Luck!

    • What you have is a young dog who needs mental and physical exercise. Take him for a run, teach him tricks, get a dog puzzle toy. If you wanted a quiet dog, a collie was not a wise decision. Start exercising his mind before he finds interesting things to do, like opening your drawers and eating all your underwear.