Can a shih tzu and miniature collie have babys together?

My shih tzu is having baby's with a miniature collie and i want to know can she have them with out it killing her?

    Can a shih tzu and miniature collie have babys together?

    My shih tzu is having baby's with a miniature collie and i want to know can she have them with out it killing her?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Can a shih tzu and miniature collie have babys together?...

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    • Can a shih tzu and miniature collie have babys together?

      Can a shih tzu and miniature collie have babys together? Dog Breed Discussions
      My shih tzu is having baby's with a miniature collie and i want to know can she have them with out it killing her?

      Can a shih tzu and miniature collie have babys together?

      Can a shih tzu and miniature collie have babys together? Dog Breed Discussions
    • She probably needs an emergency C-section - or you could still have her spayed. These puppies are going to have some serious deformities, and you should never have let this happen. Please ask them to do an emergency spay. THese puppies are going to have lives of misery.

    • By MIniature Collie, do you mean a Sheltie?I wouldn't count on her getting through it naturally, no. If you have her spayed now, she'll live fine and it won't happen again.ETA - If they have "babies", I'd alert the newspapers! Dogs have never been known to produce human babies, only puppies.

    • Dogs don't have babies, they have puppies. Also, there is no such breed as a Miniature Collie. What you have is a Shetland Sheepdog. Just have her spayed/aborted, unless you want to pay $2000.00 for a c-section for a litter of MUTTS! Yes, it could kill her.

    • Theoretically, yes, they could. Should they? No. You are contributing to the pet overpopulation problem. Find forever homes for these puppies (and pray for the 6-8 homes you have taken away from shelter dogs that will be killed) and spay your dog. You are contributing to the pet overpopulation problem. Be responsible next time and have your dog spayed.

    • A) Why on earth did you let the breeding happen in the first place? B) It depends on whether the father is the bigger of the two, and I'd have around $1000-2000 ready for a C-section, since it can even become necessary with a responsible breeding. C) There's no such thing as a "miniature collie". You're probably thinking of a Shetland sheepdog aka sheltie, which is a totally different breed from the collie.

    • Being as there is no such thing as a Miniature Collie, I am saying No. What you are referring to is a Shetland Sheep dog and I will still say NO.There are over 400 million dogs sitting in shelters around the world waiting for homes. And the majority are mixed breeds or mutts, Why do you want to breed more of them regardless of how pretty they will be.Really a Shelty is bigger then a Shih Tzu and should not be allowed to breed.

    • The mother should be larger than the dad when breeding. If this is not so and the only Miniature Collie I can think of "Sheltie" would be way to big as the sire. Consault a vet. I bread my Chi and she was larger than the dad but we STILL had to give her a c-section.

    • Anytime the father is larger than the mother there's a chance the puppies can't be born without a cesearian operation. This can run up to $1,300 so you really, really need to consult with your vet on this.