What would be the right person for a border collie?

Ok so one day I would love to get a border collie.I have done a lot of research and I know the are the smartest dogs around. I also know that they are extremely high energy and need mental and physical exercise each day for about 2 hours.But how would…

    What would be the right person for a border collie?

    Ok so one day I would love to get a border collie.I have done a lot of research and I know the are the smartest dogs around. I also know that they are extremely high energy and need mental and physical exercise each day for about 2 hours.But how would…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What would be the right person for a border collie?...

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    • What would be the right person for a border collie?

      What would be the right person for a border collie? Dog Breed Discussions
      Ok so one day I would love to get a border collie.I have done a lot of research and I know the are the smartest dogs around. I also know that they are extremely high energy and need mental and physical exercise each day for about 2 hours.But how would somebody have a border collie? I mean you can only leave them for about an hour or they will go gaga , but you have to work to be able to afford a border collie. So what job would you have , where would you live? What type of persons would you have to be?I don't have a farm and probably never will but how does a common person own this dog?

      What would be the right person for a border collie?

      What would be the right person for a border collie? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Well, a border collie needs plenty of space to run around so a big garden is Necessary. You were misinformed about needing to be with it almost constantly, it's advised that you don't leave it for more than 3-4 hours. I know several border collies though who are very laid back and didn't need much exercise at all so it just depends on the personality really.

    • A person who had a bit of experiences with dogs in the past, trained and raised a dog. Owner who has seen the nasty consequences of dogs and a person has learned from its early mistakes (of owning dogs.) Border Collies can be neurotic, can be really timid and can be insanely excitable with endless energies, the owner should know how to handle such demanding breed.A person who'd be able give the right amount of the BC's physical needs and mental challenges. As you've probably searched about, these dogs are working dogs thus they want to be doing something and have their mind focused on something. A job makes them a better pet because they are able to release a lot of their energies and while their minds are being challenged as well.A person who is active, a good owner to provide constant and consistent training. Somebody who'd work hard to provide the dog's needs and become responsible for the dog. As long as you are able to take care of the dog (responsibly, properly, and make sure you know what you're doing) you'd be a great owner.Good luck. If you think you're still inexperienced, you could look into other breeds and wait until you are really ready for a Border Collie.- a common person who probably has a lot of time to devote to such demanding dog. :D Lots of early socialization, trainings, some agility or hiking perhaps, morning and night jogs perhaps. They don't *have* to live in a farm, but they really are better in that kind of environment. Wide open fields.

    • Someone who has got access to acreage where they can let the dog off-leash to run.Someone with the funds to take the dog through numerous training sessions and will enter trials in Agility, Herding, Flyball and/or Disc.Someone who enjoys going out for runs several times per day, in any weather.You can leave a dog of this breed for more than one hour when the dog is properly cared for. A tired and mentally stimulated Border Collie is a happy one. I live in an apartment and own a purebred BC, and a BC mix whom are quite happy.I attend post secondary full time, as well as work part time. My SO works full time. I still manage to get these dogs about 5 hours of exercise per day.