How do i train my border collie dog to stop jumping on everyone?

My border collie is very hyper since we got him and he jumps on all my friends when they come over. I've tried to say NO and tell him to lie down. He obeys but the next time he does it again!

    How do i train my border collie dog to stop jumping on everyone?

    My border collie is very hyper since we got him and he jumps on all my friends when they come over. I've tried to say NO and tell him to lie down. He obeys but the next time he does it again!...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do i train my border collie dog to stop jumping on everyone?...

    • How do i train my border collie dog to stop jumping on everyone?

      How do i train my border collie dog to stop jumping on everyone? Dog Breed Discussions
      My border collie is very hyper since we got him and he jumps on all my friends when they come over. I've tried to say NO and tell him to lie down. He obeys but the next time he does it again!

      How do i train my border collie dog to stop jumping on everyone?

      How do i train my border collie dog to stop jumping on everyone? Dog Breed Discussions
    • My dog does this too(now only if you tell him to). Try poking his sides everytime he jumps. Dogs hate that(they're ticklish there). He'll learn that jumping gets him poked, so he'll stop.

    • First, he's a border collie and that means that he is going to need a lot of exercise, training and activity. With border collies, a couple of walks each day and some basic training just won't cut it. This is a dog that wants to have a job. You don't necessarily need to give him a job, but you have to give him lots of exercise and lots of complex training. Every single day.For the jumping, have people turn their backs on the dog and ignore him when he jumps. Then, when he sits and waits nicely, they can pet him and give him attention. It's good to practice this with every single person who comes over.

    • You can have people turn away from him and ignore him until he's calm.Then once he is calm they can give him attention. The only problem with that is not all people are cool with someone else's dog jumping all over them for a few minutes.What I would suggest you do is put him on a lead every time you are going to let a visitor into your home. Step onto the lead and only allow for a few inches of slack. Enough where the dog is comfortable but not enough for him to be able to jump onto anyone. Tell the dog to get into a sit and then let the guest approach. If the dog gets up are tries to jump ask you guest to step away, place him back into a sit and try again. Only reward the dog with attention, when he is sitting calmly with all four paws on the ground. Have your guest pet him or even give him a treat but if he gets up remove your guest and repeat the process. He should get the message pretty easily.Jumping is a normal greeting between dogs, it a sign that your dog wants attention. By denying him that until he sits calmly, you are showing him that a calm quiet greeting pays off much better for him than a jumping bouncing border collie. Not only that but by putting the lead on him your are setting him up to get it right every time, which will help to make him more consistent and get the message across to him much more easily.