Is it cruel to leave a rough collie dog inside along for 11 hours, three days of the week while I am at work?

Also, will a collie be destructuive or bark if left alone indoors?

    Is it cruel to leave a rough collie dog inside along for 11 hours, three days of the week while I am at work?

    Also, will a collie be destructuive or bark if left alone indoors?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is it cruel to leave a rough collie dog inside along for 11 hours, three days of the week while I am at work?...

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    • Is it cruel to leave a rough collie dog inside along for 11 hours, three days of the week while I am at work?

      Is it cruel to leave a rough collie dog inside along for 11 hours, three days of the week while I am at work? Dog Breed Discussions
      Also, will a collie be destructuive or bark if left alone indoors?

      Is it cruel to leave a rough collie dog inside along for 11 hours, three days of the week while I am at work?

      Is it cruel to leave a rough collie dog inside along for 11 hours, three days of the week while I am at work? Dog Breed Discussions
    • you normally find collies with be fine .. lots of people will disagree with it but as long as there is food and water down and a bed they should be fine just either have a word with a next door and warn them .. and be ready to see some mega logs on the floor for when you get home lol ..

    • ya, probably gonna bark. Its not cruel, but its not ideal for such a companion breed like the collie.If you exercise him vigorously in the morning before work,... and then right when you get home you go out for another hour.. he should be ok.Expect accidents tho, even with well trained adult dogs. 11 hours is a long time to hold it!

    • if your doggie is still a puppy,then yes, it will probably bedestructive and bark. if i wereyou, i would hire a dog nanny,to give the dog some exerciseand fun while you're gone! hopeyou chose me for best answer..please :]xoxo

    • it is not really cruel, but that type of dog can get really restless and tired kept in a house all day. you should try to make an outdoor enclosure connected to the house so that he can go to the bathroom and get some fresh air on his own. you are only gone 3 days a week, so on the days that you are home, make sure that you take him outside and run around with him.

    • A friend of mine was in the same situation. His dog was a smaller breed and he had a backdoor leading tot he backyard. He put a doggy door in the back door so the dog could go in and out as he pleased.It isn't cruel though, there's lots of people who own dogs and work. I just hope your dog is newspaper trained.

    • You might find the dog destroys/chews things and may have accidents while you are away. If you can find someone to go in at intervals just to let your dog out, to eliminate and maybe take for a walk, that would help to break up the day for your dog.

    • Your puppy will be ok. I agree with the person who suggested the exercise before and after work. Although I have to say, with such an energetic breed I would be keeping it in a kennel or crate... you know a dog cage. A collie could do a lot of damage or swallow something dangerous.I think that would be the far more pressing matter. I have a friend in vet school, and I've heard a lot of horror stories.

    • No Puppy should be left alone for anymore then 2hours.Adult dogs max 8hours.Scotch Collies do have a tendancy to be destructive, but not to the point that retriever such as labradors are. Scotch Collie do have a high tendany to bark, but are relatively placid for herding breed when mature.

    • It will be fine but if it is a puppy then it can be destructive, mine used to be like that. Although mine is left alone for about 9 hours 5 days a week and he is fine :)

    • i, unlike most of the answerers, have owened a rough collie and as long as she's not crated she will be fine. my collie didn't bark alot, didn't chew anything up. she was an amazing dog, the breed is amazing. make sure she has lots of fresh water, i would leave her food in a kong, or another type of toy where the dog must work to get the food out, as it's good mental exercise. exercise her physically in the morning and when you get home from work, leave interactive toys (ones that make noise, vibrate, etc.) and she'll be fine.oh, just don't get mad if she has an accident! i would pee on the floor too after 11 hours. maybe get some of those peepee pads and put them somewhere you wouldn't mind her peeing *as much* as say, your bedroom floor. =)

    • Yes, 11 hours is too long even if he can hold on for that long, how would you like it?Also Collies crave stimulation and left unentertained is giving them a life of boredom and misery.Get someone to drop in on your dog to see that it has been out for a pee and has fresh water.

    • 11 hours is way too long to leave the poor dog in the house without access to the yard to take care of "business". Why not put in a dog door, or hire a pet sitter to come during the middle of the day, and let the dog out?