What type of aggression is permissible in dogs?

I know that there are many types of aggression seen in dogs. Are ALL of them bad in every situation or are there exceptions?Out of these which are acceptable if any in your opinion and why?dominant aggressionfear aggressionterritorial…

    What type of aggression is permissible in dogs?

    I know that there are many types of aggression seen in dogs. Are ALL of them bad in every situation or are there exceptions?Out of these which are acceptable if any in your opinion and why?dominant aggressionfear aggressionterritorial…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : What type of aggression is permissible in dogs?...

    • What type of aggression is permissible in dogs?

      What type of aggression is permissible in dogs? Dogs Training Discussions
      I know that there are many types of aggression seen in dogs. Are ALL of them bad in every situation or are there exceptions?Out of these which are acceptable if any in your opinion and why?dominant aggressionfear aggressionterritorial aggressionpossessive aggressionpunishment aggressionpain aggressionpredatory aggressionmaternal aggressiondog aggressionredirected aggressionhuman aggression

      What type of aggression is permissible in dogs?

      What type of aggression is permissible in dogs? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Maternal aggression. Even human moms experience this if they feel their offspring is in danger.Also pain, predatory, and territorial aggression are inborn instincts for survival so realistically how can we expect an animal to behave differently if they believe they are in danger. However, the majority of dogs can be trained to accept humans if they are not aggressive to the point where they cannot co-exist with humans and are dangerous.

    • None - A dog should always go for the flight vs. fight choice. Now, some of these are more manageable than others, but none are considered "acceptable" to the point of the owner need not address it. Someone can get hurt otherwise.

    • No aggression is EVER acceptable.However, I can understand fear/pain/maternal aggression with a dog. Many of the other aggressions you listed are either a cause of improper training, or from an owner handling their dog poorly in general.

    • In my opinion aggression isn't acceptable at all. Usually a dog is aggressive because of something that happened to them in the past. Any aggression can be excused but that doesn't make it acceptable. I have a dog that I have had since he was a puppy and he is sweet to everyone and wouldn't hurt a fly in any situation. I have another dog that I rescued and I don't know what happened to him before I got him. I do know that he doesn't like kids, certain toys and sometimes in rare cases can be food aggressive.

    • pain aggression and maternal aggression. Its normal for a dog to be protective of her offspring.. and aggression when in pain is also a normal responce.I dont consider any of these other aggresions to be acceptable.

    • I wouldn't consider any of them "acceptable" by any means, if a dog shows any sort of aggression problems they need to be trained otherwise and perhaps see a proffessional behaviorist depending on the degree of aggression. Pain "aggression" would be the only exception to that "rule", even though the behavior is likely just defensive behavior and not actual aggression.Prey drive isn't really aggression, even if a dog kills a small animal, this is instinct as dogs are predators by nature. There is also a difference between downright aggression (which involves INTENTIONAL physical injury to a person or another pet attempted intentional physical injury to a person/pet), I wouldn't scold a dog for being defensive of her pups, but if she was downright aggressive, viciously attacking the owner if they try to touch them, that should not be tolerated in my opinion.

    • Absolutely none - true aggression should never be tolerated EVER!In my opinion:A pain response is not aggression it is an automatic response to a stimulus. My dentist starts to drill without benefit of novocain and I'm likely to bite him when my pain threshold is reached. A dog defending it's home (territory if you will) is not being aggressive it is protective as it will respond to any command by it's owner - or at least mine will 100% of the time. If it is acting blindly by rage then yes that's aggression and definitely not acceptable to me at least.

    • That's a hard one. I want to open a rescue in the future, where i can take dogs that most would deem unadoptable (think DogTown on a smaller scale.) So in that case i would not turn a dog away for most of those aggression types because that would sort of go against my goal - however that situation would be me as a trained professional with the dog in a secure environment.In my home in general, i wouldn't accept any aggression in my pets. I want my family and friends to be safe when they are home or visit me. No ifs, ands, or buts. I also want ME to be safe. So in a general home environment i would say that NONE of those behaviors is acceptable.Doesn't make them not understandable. I mean, a dog rescued from starvation guarding it's food is totally understandable. A dog who bites because it doesn't want to be hit like it has in the past is also understandable. Maternal and territorial aggression are as well.That doesn't make them safe or acceptable behavior for any family pet in any situation. Period. If your dog has any of these issues, then it's time to see a behaviorist (as general dog owners cannot tell) to see if they can determine a cause (wether it's a learned behavior through experience or a behavior the dog inherited.) If it's inherited or so severe that even a behaviorist is uncomfortable.. .....

    • predatory aggression otherwise known as prey drive, this is key to hunting/herding dogs doing their job. However if you aren't using the dog for that purpose you have to learn how to manage and channel that to keep them from going after the neighbor's cats or in some cases small childrenPain aggression - pain does things to everyone and when in animal is in severe pain, an aggressive response to that area being touched should be expected. Maternal aggression - protection of young in an aggressive manner is not limited to any one species. Its instinctive and serves the purpose of making sure the next generation survives the most vulnerable of life stages.

    • All have their place at times. I prefer my dogs not show aggresion hardly ever. For their safety and the safety of others. That said there are times when I find it okay, if someone breaks in when I'm sleeping, by all means bark and bite him. Or if someone tried to hurt me or him, fine. I have been attacked by several dogs while walking him (no one except me keeps their dogs inside or on lead out here it seems) and he was ready to defend me. I think if the situation is extreme enough its at least understandable to show aggresion, if not desirable.