How do i train A Border Collie that is a year old?

I have a year old Border Collie, Had him since he was about 4 months old...I have slacked on a little training. I was wondering if there were any tips anyone can give me, on how to make him listen. He will listen when its just me, but when there are…

    How do i train A Border Collie that is a year old?

    I have a year old Border Collie, Had him since he was about 4 months old...I have slacked on a little training. I was wondering if there were any tips anyone can give me, on how to make him listen. He will listen when its just me, but when there are…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do i train A Border Collie that is a year old?...

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    • How do i train A Border Collie that is a year old?

      How do i train A Border Collie that is a year old? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a year old Border Collie, Had him since he was about 4 months old...I have slacked on a little training. I was wondering if there were any tips anyone can give me, on how to make him listen. He will listen when its just me, but when there are other people around he doesnt listen very well. Also I donno if its cause hes testing me or what, but i would just take him out & he would go to the bathroom, & hes out there for like 10 min, & like after hes back in the house for like 5min he would go to the bathroom on the floor...I just donno how to get him not to do that. Also i cant let him outside with out a leash or him being on his zip line b/c he run all over the place & down the road. If anyone has any good advice please let me know...Thanks your for you time.

      How do i train A Border Collie that is a year old?

      How do i train A Border Collie that is a year old? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Border Collies are very intelligent dogs. They need a "job" to be happy, and if you don't give them one they will find their own, often unapproved of by us, as you are finding. I recommend taking him to obedience classes for starters. You say he will listen when it is just you, but does not do well around distractions. Obedience classes can help with this. Also when you are training a dog you need to practice in all sorts of conditions, this will teach the dog that Hey I need to this anytime. Believe me dogs will pick up subtle differences in things. Such as the ground your working on, a difference in collar, they will also pick up if your nervous. You need to be the leader, a leader doesn't get nervous, or dog may become nervous as well, or may try to pick up leader position. I would also bet with some training your dog would excel at agility. Even if you don't compete, just run the course a few times a week. This will give him a "job" as well much needed exercise. A tired dog is a good dog. Border Collies need lots of physical and mental stimulation. In addition to the classes and more exercise, I also recommend a Buster Cube. It looks like a dice and you can put treats inside. Your dog needs to roll it around in order to get treats. As your dog gets good at it you are able to increase the difficulty. As for the housetraining issue, he's still not housetrained. You need to be going out with him and praise him lavishly when he goes outside. Inside you need to supervise him. Full housetraining details can be found here he was previously doing well with housetraining, and has just "relasped" before you start with housetraining again, you will want to have him checked out by the vet to rule out any possible medical conditions. Illness such as a urinary tract infection can cause inappropriate elimination. If that all checks out well, then proceed with housetraining as though he were a brand new pup.Good Luck