How do I train my Miniature Border Collie?

I just got a Miniature Border Collie. She is SO smart, and she always is chewing or doing something. Are there any breed-specific quirks I should know about? Also, are there any really good, hopefully free puppy training sites I could go to? Thanks.

    How do I train my Miniature Border Collie?

    I just got a Miniature Border Collie. She is SO smart, and she always is chewing or doing something. Are there any breed-specific quirks I should know about? Also, are there any really good, hopefully free puppy training sites I could go to? Thanks....
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do I train my Miniature Border Collie?...

    • How do I train my Miniature Border Collie?

      How do I train my Miniature Border Collie? Dog Breed Discussions
      I just got a Miniature Border Collie. She is SO smart, and she always is chewing or doing something. Are there any breed-specific quirks I should know about? Also, are there any really good, hopefully free puppy training sites I could go to? Thanks.

      How do I train my Miniature Border Collie?

      How do I train my Miniature Border Collie? Dog Breed Discussions
    • A "miniature border collie" is not a real breed. And I hope you know what you're getting into - border collies need *constant* mental and physical stimulation, and they become extremely destructive when they become bored. Border collies do best in farms and ranches where they can work, or they should at least be raised in a setting where there is a lot of room to run and explore.I really hope you aren't a first time owner - border collies are one of the most difficult breeds to raise if you don't know what you're doing.

    • first there is no such breed as a miniture border collie more htan likely it is a border collie shetland shhep dog mixboth are dogs that need a LOT of excercise and mental stimulationthey become very bored when not kept busy ( bothare a hearding background and usually running most of the day and haveing a job. the more bored they become the more they try to make up for it in there own ways often including chewing, tearing the house apart, tryign to heard whatever they can often cars that are driving byhowever with car chasing often they will be hityou should consider doing agility or flyball with the dog this help and if you are in the country try to find someone who will aloow her to use her instinct of "herding"do to herding instinct they often will nip at the heals of peole and often mistaken for being aggressive to children as htey will chase thm and try to herd them

    • Border collies need training. If you don't know how to train a dog then you should enroll in obedience classes. Both you and the dog will learn a lot. It's the best way to learn how to train a dog.

    • There is NO such thing as "Miniture" Border Collie, you have a ill-bred runt, which will created genetic problems.The breed has high prey drive,& high engery level. There NOT breed who you can just give walk,& thats it for the day. You own working breed,& your BC needs a job, agility,dock dogs,flyball ,& herding just to name a few. Your BC needs mental & physical simulation, every day.You have a herding bred,he will herd anything that moves,you have to control this because it can be trained out(because Its genetic).

    • There is NO SUCH THING as a "Miniature Border Collie". Border Collies come in ONE size only. You have a poorly bred MUTT. Hopefully you didn't buy that crap from someone