Are rough collies good dogs, even if they were to be left at home for a short period of time?

i am looking to get a collie, but i want to make sure they don't have any form of separation anxiety, because we would occasionally leave the house, not for long, but we don't want it destroying the house.also, do they take A TON of care?

    Are rough collies good dogs, even if they were to be left at home for a short period of time?

    i am looking to get a collie, but i want to make sure they don't have any form of separation anxiety, because we would occasionally leave the house, not for long, but we don't want it destroying the house.also, do they take A TON of care?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Are rough collies good dogs, even if they were to be left at home for a short period of time?...

    • Are rough collies good dogs, even if they were to be left at home for a short period of time?

      Are rough collies good dogs, even if they were to be left at home for a short period of time? Dog Breed Discussions
      i am looking to get a collie, but i want to make sure they don't have any form of separation anxiety, because we would occasionally leave the house, not for long, but we don't want it destroying the house.also, do they take A TON of care?

      Are rough collies good dogs, even if they were to be left at home for a short period of time?

      Are rough collies good dogs, even if they were to be left at home for a short period of time? Dog Breed Discussions
    • not exactly sure about Rough collies, but I do know that Border collies, are extremely smart and good at home by them selves, i have a lab/border collie and she was potty and trained and able to stay at home by herself without tearing anything up or going potty by the time she was 12 weeks!good luck

    • Collies are amazing dogs! They do require regular grooming, about half hour every few days, but they look beautiful when then they are all groomed up. Any dog is capable of having separation anxiety. If the dog ends up having it, use a crate and get help training it to know that you will be back and it will be fine.

    • Separation anxiety can happen in any dog - breed has nothing to do with it. It's the dog's temperament combined with how you raise it.Rough collies are great dogs, but like all the herding dogs, they're extremely intelligent dogs and they need a LOT of exercise as well as some sort of job to do to keep their minds busy. It can be herding, obedience, flyball, agility - but they need something to do to keep them from getting bored and destructive out of frustration.

    • Rough Collies are good dogs if you can handle its very high energy, its heavy shedding, and tendency to bark a lot. They can handle being alone, they don't have reputation of separation anxiety. It seems pretty rare. If you spend a lot with the dog and are with the dog 24/7 the dog will feel weird by its self, it might cause separation anxiety. Hope i helped!