I have a boxer-pit and he is fine of the leash. I have taken him to play with other dogs and he will do fine off leash but as soon as i put the leash back on he is aggressive again. Also inside my home he is aggressive to other dogs and all other…
How to fix my dogs leash aggression?
I have a boxer-pit and he is fine of the leash. I have taken him to play with other dogs and he will do fine off leash but as soon as i put the leash back on he is aggressive again. Also inside my home he is aggressive to other dogs and all other…... Dogs Training Discussions : How to fix my dogs leash aggression?...
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How to fix my dogs leash aggression?Dogs Training Discussions
I have a boxer-pit and he is fine of the leash. I have taken him to play with other dogs and he will do fine off leash but as soon as i put the leash back on he is aggressive again. Also inside my home he is aggressive to other dogs and all other animals. How could I fix this problem?
How to fix my dogs leash aggression?
How to fix my dogs leash aggression?Dogs Training Discussions
Sounds like when you put him on the lead he gets his protective head on,same when hes at home.Other animals in your house are a threat to his food source.On his lead outside with you he protects you because you feed him.
Get a training collar. Every timee he acts up, correct him with it. He will get the picture. Our GSDC recommended a pinch collar JUST FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY. It has done wonders, and she is learning fast, and moving right along. He get aggressive in the home IMMEDIATELY remove the animal from the source!! Correct him, saying "BAD DOG" or NAUGHTY, and move him to another room. outta sight outta mind. When he settles down, bring him back in. He does it again, keep repeating it. He will get the hint eventually. Once u put that leash on, he gets agressive? Quick "SNAP SNAP" of that training collar and a STERN no, then down ur dog. When he is good, praise him and allow him back up. YOUR the boss not him.. good luck