When should a dog go to the vet?

We see these questions every day - My dog is bleeding, vomiting, draging it's back 2 legs, has a gaping wound in it's neck etc. And we all can type: GO TO THE VET, upside down, in pig latin and when we are drunk. So, a few serious questions for all of…

    When should a dog go to the vet?

    We see these questions every day - My dog is bleeding, vomiting, draging it's back 2 legs, has a gaping wound in it's neck etc. And we all can type: GO TO THE VET, upside down, in pig latin and when we are drunk. So, a few serious questions for all of…...
    General Dog Discussions : When should a dog go to the vet?...

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    • When should a dog go to the vet?

      When should a dog go to the vet? General Dog Discussions
      We see these questions every day - My dog is bleeding, vomiting, draging it's back 2 legs, has a gaping wound in it's neck etc. And we all can type: GO TO THE VET, upside down, in pig latin and when we are drunk. So, a few serious questions for all of you:When do you call the vet? When do you go to the vet?When do you toss the dog in the car and drive like a maniac to the closet ER?Please help me by listing the reasons you'd do the above.Thank you my dear dog pals.Happy Friday Tony.

      When should a dog go to the vet?

      When should a dog go to the vet? General Dog Discussions
    • When do I call the vet? When ever there is something not quite right, but no obvious signs of sickness/traumaWhen do I go to the vet: When ever something is coming out of some orifice it shouldn't.When do I drive like a maniac? If the dog has obvious trauma, is lethargic, or at the first sign of blood - anywhere (well, except that time I cut a nail too short).

    • All depends on the seriousness of the situation. If my dog was bleeding, I'd go to the vet ASAP! If my dog had been vomiting for a couple of days, I'd probably take the dog to see the vet as soon as I could. If it's minor but still worries me, I just call the vet. Luckily, I don't have something like this turn up very much. But my Airedale swallowed a sock a few months ago. Did I get on here and ask for help? No! I called the vet and the vet was able to help me over the phone. The problem was solved within ten minutes. Had I waited longer, I would have had to wait for the sock to pass through her system. Or worse, would have had to have it surgically removed.

    • When do you call the vet? If I see he is not looking well, If I can sense something is wrong, if he has had an accident, Even if he got straight up from the accident he would get a checking over from the vet.When do you go to the vet? The next day unless it was an emergency then it would be straight away.When do you toss the dog in the car and drive like a maniac to the closet ER? No car, running down the road is quicker, much quicker! Why I do all the above? Because I care for my animals and It is my responsibility to provide them with everything and this includes VET CARE! I would sell my left leg for my dog!

    • 1.) Call the vet- **dog *may* have ingested something**There are times when I'll call and say "do I need to come in now?2.) Go to the vet-**limping- more than for a few minutes**vomiting more than a couple times**excessive diarrhea**consuming poison**excessive bleeding**injury**cough 3.) Drive to ER-**any of the above not during business hours.Generally- unless I sense immediate danger (limbs dangling, major injury, listlessness, unconsciousness, etc.) I will generally call my vet to make an appointment. I have found that my vet is VERY good about saying "you need to come in" or "go to the ER vet now" or "we can see the dog in the morning", etc. Usually a phone call AT MINIMUM can ease your mind- make a decision easier!

    • Hello Cindy :) Personally I'm paranoid enough to see the vet whenever in slightest doubt.When it comes to treatment I always request the simplest possible solution. (not a matter of cost, though)And yes, the phone call is always free.The ER part is just the "common sense".

    • I call the vet whenever something doesn't seem right, or shes limping.I go to the vet when she's obviously in painI toss my dog in the car a drive like a maniac when shes bleeding, in pain, or missing limbs

    • Well I have a dog myself and what I do is just if I think my dog is sick or what ever, I call the vet and ask them if they think it is serious enogh for me to bring him in.... if you bring your dog in when he/she is not sick your still going to get stuck with the fee's so its best to call them bring in.

    • I call if after everything I've done here isn't working or if I know I'm over my head.I call if it an emergency. Like if my dog has an injury. If my dog is bleeding profusely. If continually vomiting, or has had sever diarrhea for More than 24 hours. If their is blood in the stool I call.I would rush into the vets if my dog has sever swelling anywhere. If I suspect a broken bone, a large gaping wound, profuse bleeding, or it the dog was attacked severely by another dog or hit by a car, looses conciseness, had labored breathing with fainting, any kind of a seizure . A bee sting if I knew my dog was allergic. Any kind of advers sever reaction after vaccinations, i.e. sever swelling of the face couldnt breath sever vomiting. These I would consider an emergency

    • I go when I feel she needs to. If she is acting out of sorts. I Just had to take her on wednesday for a limp. She started limping on Monday, I thought she just cut her foot. I figured I would just give her a day and see if it got any better. Well I came home on Wednesday and she wasnt herslf. So, I took her in right away. They think she just pulled something =)

    • When something doesn't seem right ie: dog's behavior has changed, not eating properly, coughing...in not very severe cases I'd wait it out perhaps 3 days max and try to deal with it myself.However if my dog is bleeding profusely, can no longer walk, vomiting alot in one day, spitting blood....OBVIOUSLY I'd take him to the vet.pls pls ans my q abt my dog? thank u http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AvKcMM9Oh6Ts8diMY1o.wXbzDxV.;_ylv=3?qid=20080620094711AAvWsWSBut anyways why don't you just allow people to ask questions. At least they are asking them and concerned abt their pets...what may sound "stupid" to you may just be something a person genuinely isn't familiar with or are panicing abt their dogs.

    • I call the vet whenever there is a problem that I can't solve myself. When my gut says "something ain't quite right" I go to the vet when the vet says I should come in, no hesitating even if it is on sunday, grab the check book and go. I will take my dog to the ER when I feel like it is life-threaten. I love my dogs like my kids and I would do the same for my fur kids like my skin kids.

    • 1.I call when they need a checkup =) and when i KNOW there is somthing going wrong (like when Chuckles had a heat stroke last year)2.I go to the Vet whenever they are in need of the vet.3.I havent had to do that...Yet

    • My basic line of reasoning is that if I'd call or go into the doctor for myself or a child, I'll do it for my dog. So, I'd call and ask for advice for maybe a runny nose, sneezing, etc that doesn't go away in a few days.I'll make an appointment and go to the vet for green snot, skin conditions, anything obviously that needs to be evaluated and treated but does not appear to be life-threatening and the dog is not in pain.And I toss the dog in the car and get him in right away for poisonings, traumatic injuries, and sudden, severe, acute onset of anything very abnormal (seizure?).

    • Sad to say, I think some people aren't going to go for anything.. I'd call my vet if he started acting differently at all for any reason and go in, again, if I called as soon as I noticed something was different and they told me I needed to. I go for preventative care and to make sure he's seen and everything is okay. I'd go to the emergency vet if there was any bleeding, any parts were missing, anything looked broken, any problems with breathing, and I'm sure there's a ton more I'm not even thinking of right now.I'm lucky... my vet lives across the street and while I'd never bother him with dog questions when he's home, I know he always keeps an eye on my dogs and maybe would see something before I would.

    • It is tough to answer this generally, but I will try. I have been a lifetime dog owner and worked at several animal hospitals when I was considering vet school, so I consider myself fairly comfortable with basic first aid. If it is something that does not require stitches or does not involve extreme symptoms, such as repeated vomiting, favoring a limb for more than a brief period of time, or complete behavioral change, such as lethargy or aggressiveness when a particular part of the dog is touched, then I do not call the vet. If it is borderline, I call the vet. If I call, then I leave it to the vet to tell me whether or not to come in. I have only paid two emergency visits to the vet, one when my rotti attacked my Golden and the bite wound to the face was large and near the eye. The other when I came home to find my senior Golden down and unable to get up. The former required anesthesia to stitch the wound closed, the latter led to my dog being put to sleep.I have treated and bandaged ripped pads, treated limps with canine aspirin when the dog is bearing some weight and there is no sign of a break, used Imodium (per vet's direction) to treat diarrhea, and otherwise provided basic wound and illness care. It is a judgment call and I think that the requirement to run to the vet depends on the person as well as the situation.

    • hmm lets see i would call the vet if my dog was not acting right but had no physical signs of illnessi would go to the vet if my dog was vomiting or had diareah for no reason i would drive like mad if my dog had any physical signs of trauma like a cut or not using a leg properlyi hate the ppl who could be saving there animals life but instead are on the computer asking stupid ?s while there poor pet could be dying in the next room

    • I call the vet when something is or could be wrong with my dog, but I may just be over reacting :D Such as: Recently my 2 lovable dogs found and caught a rat in the backyard. Having never experienced this before...I called the vet to see if I should bring them in, or if them being UTD on shots was all that was necessary. I go to the vet if I find any odd little bumps or things on my dogs, or if they are obviously ill...fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Although I don't take them to the vet if they puke once or twice in a day (only if it lasts longer than the one day...but always a fever). Any limping...straight to the vet. Rushing to ER...we've only done that once and it was when my dog was bit by another dog. She had a gash and I freaked out and drove to the ER...they stitched her up good as new. :) Other obvious reasons to rush your dog to the ER: hit by a car, regular vet is closed and dog is lethargic...won't drink or get up from laying down position, dog ate something poisonous, dog fell down the stairs, there are plenty more I'm sure.