When should a dog go to the vet?

We see these questions every day - My dog is bleeding, vomiting, draging it's back 2 legs, has a gaping wound in it's neck etc. And we all can type: GO TO THE VET, upside down, in pig latin and when we are drunk. So, a few serious questions for all of…

    When should a dog go to the vet?

    We see these questions every day - My dog is bleeding, vomiting, draging it's back 2 legs, has a gaping wound in it's neck etc. And we all can type: GO TO THE VET, upside down, in pig latin and when we are drunk. So, a few serious questions for all of…...
    General Dog Discussions : When should a dog go to the vet?...

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    • Dang, I saw the question late... stupid work. But that's okay.I call the vet if I think there's just something small, but it doesn't seem to be healing immediately.Go to the vet: Scheduled check up, or something that I can't explain, but it doesn't seem to be doing any damage, ie, his elbow clicking (dysplasia), not wanting to tug (rotten tooth), or if there's vommitting, or unhappy poo for more than one day.Drive like a maniac: One morning I woke up, and Luke had thrown up. Dogs do this sometimes, and it's not necessarily a reason for concern. I went to work like normal. When I got home, he'd vommitted, had diarrhea, and was incredibly lethargic. He was also laying in the corner, surrounded by vomit. It was the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced. I wrapped him in a towel, and ran to my car. He spent three days in intensive care. The cause was never figured out, but he's better, and that's what matters.

    • Glad you asked this, maybe it will help those who want us to diagnose their dogs!If my dog is not eating and has any other signs of illness, lack of energy, diarrhea, lack of interest in normal day activities or play; If my dog has a bump, wound or just seems to lack energy or is not eating for more than a day or two, I call the vet. Bottom line, when in doubt, call your vet. They are the best ones to ask if you should be coming in to see them or to monitor your dog.....And anyone that owns a dog should have a vet that they can call!

    • Interesting question, Cindy. I had to make these decisions just the other day, as I'm watching my boyfriend's dog while he is gone for 3 weeks. Ethan's symptoms went from not eating much (something he does when "Dad" is gone for an extended period) to not eating or drinking anything, being lethargic, vomiting all sorts of colors (but no blood) and explosive diarrhea and unable to walk up the staircase from the backyard to the upper deck - he started to but then crouched and clung, like his balance was off, all in a matter of 24 hours. I took him in yesterday and that's where he is currently - they wanted to work him up and down. So if anyone wants to, prayers and good doggy thoughts are appreciated!So, it looks like mine goes like this:1. I call the vet when something happens that is unnerving (vomiting, uncontrollable diarrhea, lethargy).2. I go into the vet when they tell me they believe it's necessary (which, when I call with symptoms like that, they normally ask me to bring the animal in at the first opportunity).3. I have, thankfully, never had to toss the dog in the car and drive like a maniac to the closest ER. Though I did place a bassett gently in the car and drove fairly quickly to the vet when he was yelping in pain every time you touched his abdomen...he had gotten into trash and swallowed a bunch of chicken bones.GO TO THE VET upside down, in pig latin and when we are drunk would be an impressive task to complete. :)

    • When do I call the vet - anytime there is a problemWhen do you go to the vet - if I call the vet and he tells me too.When do I rush to the vet - when ever there is an injury, when ever there is a breathing issue, and when they are lethargic.

    • I love my dog and if any of that kind of stuff was wrong with my dog I would take him. I guess thats because I take care of my animals,I guess thats the difference between me and someone who dont. I guess some people arent good pet owners. For the people out there writing that stuff about there animals,common sense will tell you take them to the vet.

    • You should call the vet when there is an Emergence. I go to the vet for check ups and ER visits.I would toss and every thing like that when The dog can't walk is lethargic and under the eye is white.

    • I. I never call the vet! They would just want me to waste my money on things my dog doesn't need, like vaccinations, flea/tick/heartworm meds, etc.2. I never take my dogs to the vet, because their ancestors, the wolf, never needed to go to the vet, why should my labraboxadoodle?3. I can never imagine this happening! I mean, when I get really worried, and I can't fix the problem with super glue, dawn dish soap, or sevin dust, I will just get on here and find a home remedy!;-}

    • Yay! I had a question somewhat similar to thisbut you make me look stupid :'(lol jk <3LOL so true though!Besides me doing all of these listed below of something small happens, in realistic veiws:When do you call the vet? Whenever something out of the ordinary happens as in coughing here and there, weird poop [as usual -_-] etc.When do you go to the vet? If blood is invovled at all I'll go nuts, if my dog isnt behaving normally, throwing up is BAD etc.When do you toss the dog in the car and drive like a maniac to the closet ER? if my dog is bleeding out of control, wont stop throwing up, wont drink, coughing non stop etc.:-Dbut if my dog eats glass, Ill just ask people on here ;D

    • I call the vet if I have any questions.I go to the vet if I'm concerned about something.I drive like a maniac if the dog is in trouble.*Sigh* I've been at the vet 5 of the last 7 Thursdays ('cause that's the night she's open in the evening).1. Routine puppy shots (Pepper)2. Discuss allergic reaction to said shots (Pepper)3. Examination of abcessed cyst (Melody)4. Surgical removal of cysts - 8 in total (Melody)5. Examination of incision where abcessed cyst was removed, concerned about possible infection (Melody).I like my vet, but I really don't wanna see her again for a while.EDIT: Oh, yeah, I'm going next week to have my possibly pregnant Rosie x-rayed.

    • I would call the vet as soon as the dog did not seem to be its self.I go to the vet as soon as the gets ill....I toss the dog in the car immediately, call the vet and tell him I am on my way to the office....I do not wait, why take a chance on the dog really going down hill fast....1-I call the vet after I get on the Internet and ask everyone what is wrong with my dog.2-I go to the vet, only after I am sure the dog wont stop bleeding, vomiting, or cant walk..need to wait and see what happens, I may find someone on here that can cure my dog, and it would be for free.3-I would toss the dog in the car and drive to the vet, not speeding of course, only after I cant get the gunshot wound, or the ripped open wound wont stop bleeding.or my dog cant stand up due to the back legs hanging on the floor and the dog cant walk..or when the dog wont wake up.or the dog has decided he wont eat or drink for about 4-5 days.I think then it may be time to get to the vet....or better yet, any vets on here, that can tell me why, my dogs poop is green or black, sure we can see it right through the screen..wait a minute, oh sorry, that black stuff on the screen sorry, was a fly.ha ha

    • I call when something is just not right or I just call when I don't know what I am looking at.I take the dogs when I am directed to by the vet after the phone call.I use my brain when I just have to take them there.Maybe it is having experience with children to know when to go or when to ring, but then again I never took a class in that either.I think it all boils down to I don't mind spending a bit of money for my dogs, well that is all I can figure out from YA anyway.