How can I get my dog to stop her aggression towards strangers and other dogs?

My dog is a chihuahuah named Patch, and every time she comes in contact with another person or dog, she barks, snarls, and growls. It looks like she wants to attack them. All I want is for her to like other people and dogs. One time, she got loose and…

    How can I get my dog to stop her aggression towards strangers and other dogs?

    My dog is a chihuahuah named Patch, and every time she comes in contact with another person or dog, she barks, snarls, and growls. It looks like she wants to attack them. All I want is for her to like other people and dogs. One time, she got loose and…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How can I get my dog to stop her aggression towards strangers and other dogs?...

    • How can I get my dog to stop her aggression towards strangers and other dogs?

      How can I get my dog to stop her aggression towards strangers and other dogs? Dogs Training Discussions
      My dog is a chihuahuah named Patch, and every time she comes in contact with another person or dog, she barks, snarls, and growls. It looks like she wants to attack them. All I want is for her to like other people and dogs. One time, she got loose and went after a 7 year old. He started to cry, and it took FOREVER to catch her. HELP!!

      How can I get my dog to stop her aggression towards strangers and other dogs?

      How can I get my dog to stop her aggression towards strangers and other dogs? Dogs Training Discussions
    • it's in her nature, but with proper training she can be broken of it. go to the library or bookstore and get books on obedience training for dogs. If not, you could always hire a professional to train your dog. Best of luck.

    • Aggressive dogs, even as small as yours, are always dangerous. Check out Dr. P's Dog Training Library, a website for dog training tips and methods. I have Boxers and some of them are aggressive, too. This helps.

    • Try to find a friend who has a dog and arrange to get the dogs together at least 2x a week. Preferably in a setting where they are not leashed. Little dogs feel inferior to bigger dogs and therefore think they need to defend their ground all the time. Once they see they only want to be Friends and are not going to attack them Patch will calm down. Same with people and children. They need to get used to them on a gradual basis.

    • Most puppy obedience classes start around that age and last 6-8 weeks, that would be a good start. Spaying the dog is a great idea that I highly recommend but it wont change a dogs basic personality. I also heard that you can find comfort oil for pets at pets stores.

    • Your type of dog is an aggressive one. I guess they think that since they are so small that they have to show that they are tough. Even though it is aggressive start taking him around people and when ever he starts to get too rowdie let him know to stop it give it some time

    • I have heard obedience school is a great place to start. Some of the pet stores can hook you up with a good trainer. Make sure that when looking for a trainer they use positive reinforcement and not cruel methods. My dog is the same way. He is very protective or maybe jealous when other dogs are around and he does not like children under 10 years old. I have never had this problem with a dog before. I think it is just something in the dog sometimes. They are, after all, animals. I always make sure to watch him, keep him on a leash and put him in a bedroom or garage with plenty of cool water when we have young company over. Sometimes it could be from a traumatic experience or just lack of experience. It may help to have a regular doggie friend of visitor to get your pup used to company. If your dog is male, I would recommend a female friend (make sure at least one of them is fixed). For more ideas, call a pet store and ask for a referral for a trainer. They may have some other suggestions for you. Good luck!

    • chihuahuas naturally hate other breeds but they can get along with other dogs if keep them together for a long, be patient. i have achihuahua and a shi-tzu, my chihuahua tormented my sister's new shi-tzu for days! regarding them hating other people, maybe you should take your dog for a walk where there are people someday he/she will get used to being around strangers. it will help to teach your dog that its not good to bark at people, you may say "bad" in an slightly angry tone. check out some website about chihuahuas theyre kinda informative.

    • That is one habit you can't change. They are very territorial and committed to their pack. Any other animal or person not belong to the pack is a threat and she will defend the pack to her death.If you could get the child over his fear and convince him to come around several times, she will start to accept him.These dogs also respond really well to domination. Once they know the other person is dominant and not afraid of them, they immediately accept them into the pack.My Chihuahua would try to attack my neighbor all the time. One day I ask him to clip her nails while I held her. As soon as he clipped the last nail she started licking his hand loves to see him now. He could burglarize my house and she would help him.

    • Well, I had a dog named Rosco, and before he died, he had the same problem! Wut I did wuz I put a new person in his cage each day while I wuz in there. Eventually, he got used to it and just didn't bark at ppl anymore.