Are wild mushrooms, the kind that grows in your backyard, harmful if eaten by a dog?

My dog is acting very lethargic. She isn't begging for supper, even tho it's time for her to eat. She has vomited a few times, very slimy and sort of clear, altho there were a few pieces of something white. She's a Mega-E dog so vomiting is nothing new…

    Are wild mushrooms, the kind that grows in your backyard, harmful if eaten by a dog?

    My dog is acting very lethargic. She isn't begging for supper, even tho it's time for her to eat. She has vomited a few times, very slimy and sort of clear, altho there were a few pieces of something white. She's a Mega-E dog so vomiting is nothing new…...
    General Dog Discussions : Are wild mushrooms, the kind that grows in your backyard, harmful if eaten by a dog?...

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    • Are wild mushrooms, the kind that grows in your backyard, harmful if eaten by a dog?

      Are wild mushrooms, the kind that grows in your backyard, harmful if eaten by a dog? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is acting very lethargic. She isn't begging for supper, even tho it's time for her to eat. She has vomited a few times, very slimy and sort of clear, altho there were a few pieces of something white. She's a Mega-E dog so vomiting is nothing new to us. There were a few of those "backyard"mushrooms in my yard yesterday, however I noticed they were gone today. Are they harmful if eaten? Or does this sound more like bite of some kind?

      Are wild mushrooms, the kind that grows in your backyard, harmful if eaten by a dog?

      Are wild mushrooms, the kind that grows in your backyard, harmful if eaten by a dog? General Dog Discussions
    • there are different types of mushrooms but when my grandmothers dog ate theirs he was taken to the vet because he was throwing up and would not eatcall and ask you vet