How do you stop dog aggression???

My dog is aggressive towards other dogs. We can't take him to the dog park because he tries to bite the other dogs and attack them. Please help my dog is a german shepard mix he could really hurt another dog.He is neutered and he can't go to training…

    How do you stop dog aggression???

    My dog is aggressive towards other dogs. We can't take him to the dog park because he tries to bite the other dogs and attack them. Please help my dog is a german shepard mix he could really hurt another dog.He is neutered and he can't go to training…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How do you stop dog aggression???...

    • How do you stop dog aggression???

      How do you stop dog aggression??? Dogs Training Discussions
      My dog is aggressive towards other dogs. We can't take him to the dog park because he tries to bite the other dogs and attack them. Please help my dog is a german shepard mix he could really hurt another dog.He is neutered and he can't go to training classes because of his aggression.

      How do you stop dog aggression???

      How do you stop dog aggression??? Dogs Training Discussions
    • talk to your vet to seek their advice.also training classes, i know you can get one on one training as you say that he is aggressive to other dogs. maybe you can start off as alone classes then slowly introduce to other dogs. dont rush him thoughgood luck honey xxx

    • first do you have other dogs in your house? if you do than you should take your aggressive dog away from the others when they start to fight.there for he will not hurt any of the other dogs if you don't have other dogs you should call a dog trainer the reason your dog might be so aggressive is because he is territorial or he is guarding you. you have to show him that there is nothing to be afraid of:) ~hope i could help~

    • There is no easy answer quick fix to this issue.. a lot of how you handle it has to do with hands on observation of this type of behavior.. it can be real aggression, issues with dominance, issues with anexiety.. all these cannot be evaluated untill you see and work with a client on a personal basis..BTW dog parks are not a good place for many dogs..and not a good behavioral evaluation situation.. so just because he does not do well there may NOT be a indication overall of him.. but he just does not do well at dog parks..I would suggest you try to find a good trainer.. and possible animal behaviorist in your area and get a consultation ... your vet can offer refferal for your area.. also the local ASPCA offers classes too..your dog depends on it..good luck..

    • dogs really are like us human if you don't behave him at a early age you will probaly can't descipline him as an adultbut you can try by socializing him with other dogs...and it's good at first to have an opposite sex so that they can get alongthen after that try to socialize him with little puppy's (he won't hurt them ...i can assure you....i also had this problem)....then start taking him(in the leash ) to other dogs that are older and older...also you should have some treat with you ...if he behaves good you give him the treat...if he behaves bad you don't give him the treat...instead you can raise you're tone at him...but do not raise your hand or do not beat him

    • First of all it's SHEPHERD. Your dog's breeder should be able to refer you to a reputable trainer in your area. Sounds like the sign of a poorly bred dog from an unreputable backyard breeder.

    • Neutering, then straight to a good trainer with German Shepherd experience. The best reference for a qualified trainer would come from a German Shepherd breeder in the GSD club affiliated with the AKC. In all probability, this is a training issue - you need to be the alpha, and you're not. It is very important that you are in control, and in a place of authority. That will require the right trainer, not just anyone. German Shepherds are highly intelligent, sensitive and complex dogs. You need someone who really knows what they're doing to teach you - and him- or he could be ruined, and pay unnecessarily with his life.

    • Ask your veterinarian for a referral to a local behaviorist. Do not enroll him in group obedience classes at this point as you'll do more harm than good. Individual evaluation and instruction is needed.Good Luck!

    • I'd find a pro in your area. A place that deals with dog training-obedience classes. Explain to them that your dog is rather aggressive before going in or signing up. You are running a risk of getting into trouble if your dog hurts someone or another dog, and at the same time its not fair to your dog to keep him locked away from others. There is not one quick easy answer you can get from Yahoo to cure your dogs problems, you are gonna have to seek out professional help in your area. All dogs can be trained, no dogs are bad so dont give up on him.

    • there are animal behaviorists who can come to your home and see what YOU are doing wrong. It sounds mean, but usually it is a human's fault...something we're doing or not doing. it is expensive, but a lawsuit is much more expensive!

    • I had a german shepherd cross lab for 15yrs. I got him at 8month old and he had been ill treated and had neither socialized with people or dogs only cats which he was fine with. I got him neutered and found a dog trainer who put him not into beginners class but intermediate (which is dogs that are trained by not to advanced level) He did really well and i walked and trained him hours a day. However his aggression to other dogs never changed, but he was very obedient and i could walk past other dogs ,he totally ignored them. I have had in my lifetime 1 full german shepherd dog and 2 females they are great natured with other dogs but i have found males can be slightly unpredictable. If you have a powerful dog you must be in total control at all times. Not only the dog needs to be trained but you too as i did when i took my dog on. I miss him dearly, but have now got yet another male shepherd cross and he is adorable, but although doesn't fight ,he again is not interested at all in other dogs even females would rather have his ball.Good luck with your dog, and im sure with the right help you will manage to obtain your goal.

    • Unfortunately, the best you can hope for is to "neutralize" him to other dogs. In other words, make him not react to other dogs on a walk. Dog parks are not going to be a part of his future, so you might as well forget about it. Even if your dog became safe around other dogs, you never know what irresponsible person is going to bring a dog into the park that will start something with your dog and trigger a fight.The key to neutralizing your dog to other dogs is to catch your dog in the very earliest stages of showing interest in or showing aggression toward another dog. Redirect him toward you with treats, or reverse direction when on a walk.