What can I give my small dog for swelling of her neck?

It's not bothering her nw but it's getting pretty swollen and she's not in pain. It's causing her to throw up cause it bothers her neck. But she plays n eats normally

    What can I give my small dog for swelling of her neck?

    It's not bothering her nw but it's getting pretty swollen and she's not in pain. It's causing her to throw up cause it bothers her neck. But she plays n eats normally...
    General Dog Discussions : What can I give my small dog for swelling of her neck?...

    • What can I give my small dog for swelling of her neck?

      What can I give my small dog for swelling of her neck? General Dog Discussions
      It's not bothering her nw but it's getting pretty swollen and she's not in pain. It's causing her to throw up cause it bothers her neck. But she plays n eats normally

      What can I give my small dog for swelling of her neck?

      What can I give my small dog for swelling of her neck? General Dog Discussions
    • Absolutely nothing! Get her to a vet immediately!!!!!!You do not give a dog human medication without vet approval. Also, you need to get her to a vet before this becomes more serious than it already is. This is potentially life threatening.

    • Well, take her to the vet. You can try applying ice to it and then heat to make the swelling go down. The vet may recommend something like baby aspirin, but don't give her any medication before going to a vet.

    • NOTHING. You have no idea what's causing the issue; anything you give her could make it worse. Is this swelling not alarming to you? I would have been to my vet's immediately.