Can a dog tell what kind of breed another dog is?

Ok so there is a pitbull next door to my house and it attacks other dogs. The owner says it only attacks dogs that are muts. My dogs are muts and the pitbull attacked my dogs before.So the owner says if your dog was a purebred dog/pitbull then it won't…

    Can a dog tell what kind of breed another dog is?

    Ok so there is a pitbull next door to my house and it attacks other dogs. The owner says it only attacks dogs that are muts. My dogs are muts and the pitbull attacked my dogs before.So the owner says if your dog was a purebred dog/pitbull then it won't…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : Can a dog tell what kind of breed another dog is?...

    • Can a dog tell what kind of breed another dog is?

      Can a dog tell what kind of breed another dog is? Dogs Training Discussions
      Ok so there is a pitbull next door to my house and it attacks other dogs. The owner says it only attacks dogs that are muts. My dogs are muts and the pitbull attacked my dogs before.So the owner says if your dog was a purebred dog/pitbull then it won't attack it. Is this true , can a dog tell what kind of breed another dog is? Whether it's full bred or not?

      Can a dog tell what kind of breed another dog is?

      Can a dog tell what kind of breed another dog is? Dogs Training Discussions
    • No.. dogs have no concept of breeds. This guy is an elitist idiot. Dogs do recognize dominant and submissive behaviour but this guy is just full of it by the sound of things. Mixed breed dogs are better than pure breeds anyway. Anyone who would breed dogs right now with our over population problem has questionable morals.

    • Of course not. Dogs are smart, but not to the point they know what breed a dog is. I mean, how could it know the breed if it doesn't even know what a "poodle" or what a "yorkie" is. A pitbull is just like any other dog, it's unique in it's own way, but it doesn't know the breed. My dog for instance, doesn't like dogs who smell a certain way. Just like people, you don't have to personally know someone to dislike them, same with dogs. Hope this helped! :)

    • In some sense they do. Such as my herding mix absolutely loves other small herding dogs - Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, Australian Cattle Dogs. But is terrified of German Shepherds.That's because they have recognizable physical qualities. Now as for what this guy is saying, that's 100% sh|t. They cannot tell that a dog is a mix/mongrel, or have some moronic superiority.

    • I believe they do. I know with our Lab she is more comfortable with other Labs then other breeds. And it even seems to be the same with cats - Siamese & Oriental cats tend to hang out with "like breeds" more then other kind of breeds.

    • This guy is feeding you a load of BS.Dogs do commonly buddy around with similar breeds but more likely that is due to size similarity and personality similarity rather than knowing that each is a different breed.American Pit Bull Terriers (and thus many "Pit Bull" breed types that stem from them) commonly show dog aggression due to genetics (many years of breeding for dog fighting- Dogs that didn't fight weren't bred nor were dogs that bit a human. Even with the few exceptions of this dogs that did not have or produce these "desirable traits" were culled). This is just an irresponsible individual with a dog aggressive dog that has no business owning the breed regardless if it's because he doesn't know the breed he owns or if he's trying to make a fool of you and thus purposely misrepresenting the dog.