Is it ok to use reqular tooth paste for a dog?

I really needed to brush my dogs teeth because his breath was really bad so I used a old tooth brush and regular aquafresh toothpaste. Is that OK or will He get sick? I also made him drink water after brushing his teeth so he didn't swallow it.

    Is it ok to use reqular tooth paste for a dog?

    I really needed to brush my dogs teeth because his breath was really bad so I used a old tooth brush and regular aquafresh toothpaste. Is that OK or will He get sick? I also made him drink water after brushing his teeth so he didn't swallow it....
    General Dog Discussions : Is it ok to use reqular tooth paste for a dog?...

    • If your dog is being fed an appropriate diet his teeth should not need brushing at all. Did you know that over 80% of dogs fed on commercial kibble and canned food have periodontal disease by the age of three? The health implications of this alone should be enough to make people think more about how they feed their dogs.Feed your dog raw meat, edible bones and offal. The best bones to use are really meaty ones - chicken thighs or quarters for example. The meat will floss the teeth and massage the gums while the bones scrape the teeth free of plaque and tartar., Your dog will soon have sparkling white teeth, pink healthy gums and no more bad breath.

    • NO! It is not safe to use human toothpaste on dogs. It is unpleasant for the dog, and it is also toxic if swallowed. People can spit out the toothpaste, but dogs can't (even if you give them water afterwards). I am very glad to hear that you want to start brushing your dog's teeth, it will be beneficial to his health. But you need to buy a dog toothpaste from your veterinarian or from a pet store. It is made specially for dogs, so it tastes good to them, and it isn't toxic when swallowed. Good luck with your dog!!!!

    • Regular toothpaste isn't meant to be swallowed and dogs don't know how to spit. Giving him water afterwards isn't going to help that fact. I wouldn't recommend doing it again.

    • Why on earth did you do that? Couldn't you wait the next day to buy some dog fresheners for him? You should of asked this before you gave it to him. Take him to the vet or make im throw it up is your only option. Dogs do not know how to rinse, he was likley to swallow some.

    • I have seen dog tooth brush and dog tooth paste at my local pet store. If I was going to brush my dogs teeth thats what I would do. The problem is you do not want your dog to swallow the toothpaste and our kind of tooth paste is not good to swallow. I am thinking it would be difficult to prevent your dog from swallowing the tooth paste when you brush her/his teeth. Good Luck! Paul