How to deal with big dog aggression towards a small dog?

I have three dogs and they have all gotten along very well until tonight. My larger lab mix went after my much smaller Italian Greyhound. It was extremely aggressive and I fear he would of killed my IG had I not been there. He has never acted like this…

    How to deal with big dog aggression towards a small dog?

    I have three dogs and they have all gotten along very well until tonight. My larger lab mix went after my much smaller Italian Greyhound. It was extremely aggressive and I fear he would of killed my IG had I not been there. He has never acted like this…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How to deal with big dog aggression towards a small dog?...

    • How to deal with big dog aggression towards a small dog?

      How to deal with big dog aggression towards a small dog? Dogs Training Discussions
      I have three dogs and they have all gotten along very well until tonight. My larger lab mix went after my much smaller Italian Greyhound. It was extremely aggressive and I fear he would of killed my IG had I not been there. He has never acted like this before. I've had the lab mix since he was eight weeks old and he's always gotten along with every dog around him. The IG basically leaves the lab mix alone, just a sniff here or there. The lab mix was just laying on the couch when the IG walked by and all of a sudden he went after the little guy. As I've mentioned, this has never happened before. I a not sure what to do about this. I cannot have the lab mix doing this, it is completely unacceptable. I plan on calling my vet first thing in the morning to ask about what I should do. It's just Sunday night and not much I can do until tomorrow. Any suggestions?The lab mix is locked in the bedroom for now. Nope, I have no idea what he is mixed with. He looks more lab than anything.

      How to deal with big dog aggression towards a small dog?

      How to deal with big dog aggression towards a small dog? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Well for right now keep him separated from your other dogs. Do you know what the other breed is in your Lab mix? That could also explain why he acted the way he did because certain breeds are genetically hard wired for dog aggression.

    • Hmmm, maybe separate them by putting the lab in a kennel, OR you can put up a baby gate between the Lab and IG. But I would just contact the vet as soon as you can. Sorry, this wasn't much help.

    • sounds like your lab wants to be the dominate one. i had a male dog that would not allow any other dog in his territory. like you said consult a vet and i would consult a trainer and mybe they can shed more light on to things.i dont know what to tell you unless both or male sometimes two males raised together will fight over a person, territory and the same for two females.

    • You need to get your little dog a leather zip on jacket with spikes along the spine and around the neck area. This worked for Dinosaurs and helped protect them from attack and it will work for your little dog as well.

    • There's usually a trigger for this aggression. You my friend, NEED a dog trainer that has experience with this type of thing.In the meantime you have to be on you dog as it shows any signs of aggression. Correct any glares, growls, brush etc. Sounds or touches should be enough. You have 5 secs to do it.You also need to learn the dog submission technique. Youtube how to make a dog soon as it attacks someone dog included the dog needs to be submitted until it completely surrenders. Its good to have a partner because once you submit the attacker you keep it there and you bring the victim & sit him in front of the attacker. You don't let anyone go until both are 100% calm. This makes the attacker submissive & victim dominant. It also creates preventative measure from the victim acting weird.* Most important thing don't acknowledge a crying dog, or touch any dog that isn't calm. This includes a dog in pain from an attack otherwise you are nurturing insecurity. Trying to console a dog while its in pain from an attack will traumatize your dog. And she'll start acting weird possibly instigating fights. You can console your dog after its calm.* No matter what always be calm, never anticipate a fight. Your energy, the dogs feel dictate the situation. SO Always act normal until you need to react.* Keeping the dogs separated only intensifies the tension and accidents will happen as a result. So you need to take them out for pack walks together & let them be together to create that pack. You need to be reactive to any tension they exude.YOU NEED a trainer for this. Good luck.