Why does my cat dig her claws into me while sitting on my lap?

my cat always wants to sit on my lap and whenever i let her she digs her claws into my legs. she really gets them in and i have lots of little red dot-like scars from her. i clip her claws whenever they get long, so that can't be it. it's really annoying…

    Why does my cat dig her claws into me while sitting on my lap?

    my cat always wants to sit on my lap and whenever i let her she digs her claws into my legs. she really gets them in and i have lots of little red dot-like scars from her. i clip her claws whenever they get long, so that can't be it. it's really annoying…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my cat dig her claws into me while sitting on my lap?...

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    • Why does my cat dig her claws into me while sitting on my lap?

      Why does my cat dig her claws into me while sitting on my lap? General Dog Discussions
      my cat always wants to sit on my lap and whenever i let her she digs her claws into my legs. she really gets them in and i have lots of little red dot-like scars from her. i clip her claws whenever they get long, so that can't be it. it's really annoying and whenever i do let her sit on my lap, when shes trying to leave she digs her claws in to get off and scratches me.is my cat retarded or something? why do they do that?

      Why does my cat dig her claws into me while sitting on my lap?

      Why does my cat dig her claws into me while sitting on my lap? General Dog Discussions
    • all cats do this. it is because when they were kittens and used to milk from their mother by doing that motion of kneading there paws into their mom would help them suckle aka, help do get more milk. So cats still do this as adults for comfort. If your cat does it A LOT then it may mean that it was taken away from its mother too early.

    • No hun your cat isn't retarded he/she is needing you well he is loving on you and when he gets off you he don't mean to he sticks his claws out when they are jumping from something Hope this helps Chelsie

    • Problem-Solver<<< even as old as I am and can sew , for a guy I think that that's doing pretty good, but I had my Mom make me a cat laying pad, it is about 1 and 1/2 feet square and has a foam inner pad of a half in or an inch, this will help keep the claws out of the few top layers of your skin, my 2 cats are declawwed in front only , but the backs are still sharp too, and they can really dig in , done often enough your skin will get a raw patch on it, like mine did . Have your Mom make a kitty sittin pad, you need some nice fleece (preferably a tiger or leopard skin pattern) and a square 1 1/2 feet x 1 1/2 feet of some tiger fleece and about the same size of 1/2 inch padding , you both will be very happy you did this. 1. It won't hurt when she kneads anymore2. you allow your kitty to show you the affection she wants to show you from the respect and love she has for you.There is a free one just waiting somewhere nearby that is if someone is tossing out an old couch , grab 1 of the cussions and turn it into a cat pad for free , just make sure there aren't any roaches or that it stinks from a dog or another pet .rub catnip on it to make it attractive too . Don't hock just anything , make sure it doesn't stink first before hand and that kitty likes the material too .Don't be mad at your kitty , kneading is a throwback to feeling the security of having a mother, kneading happens when they want milk, this kneading and purring is done to stimulate the mammries into supplying the milk, Kitty does this because she is really saying by her actions that she is very comfortable with you, and now you are sort of in a way that she sees things Her Mom now . Attatched is a link to make a bed out of an old sweater , same can be done for just a cat pad, just skip the sides of the bed, and best yet it'll smell just like you too , so kitty will recognise it .http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Cat-Bed-from-an-Old-Sweater