How to help my dog - Aggression - finishing rehab?

My dog came to me with 3 months after being severely abused and left to die by the previous owners. He developed a severe people aggression due to fear which is now very much diminished. He is a guard dog but has 3 hours of exercise and socialization…

    How to help my dog - Aggression - finishing rehab?

    My dog came to me with 3 months after being severely abused and left to die by the previous owners. He developed a severe people aggression due to fear which is now very much diminished. He is a guard dog but has 3 hours of exercise and socialization…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How to help my dog - Aggression - finishing rehab?...

    • How to help my dog - Aggression - finishing rehab?

      How to help my dog - Aggression - finishing rehab? Dogs Training Discussions
      My dog came to me with 3 months after being severely abused and left to die by the previous owners. He developed a severe people aggression due to fear which is now very much diminished. He is a guard dog but has 3 hours of exercise and socialization daily including walks, fetch, tug-o-war. I am experienced with dogs but need some last tips to finish my dogs rehab. He is now at ease around people and obeys commands. The only situation that i am finding very hard to reverse is when someone directly crosses me (cms away from me) or talks to me with alot of gestures and emotional voice. If people are still or even walking i do a command *next* and he deals well with it but when the street is very narrow and she is just walking on free mode she will react. She has never bitten on leash. Help me finish the work with this dog! It will mean lot =D All this behaviour only happens with strangers. With people that he knows he is just mellow and a sweet heart. Obeys every command, only eats on order and is very respecteful.She shifts out of this state in mere seconds if people hand her treats. This only happens with complete strangers. I have done that lydia and with those she is fine. I wanna improve the condition with people i cannot present (like people just passing by in those very specific cases) and make her ignore them (i try to redirect with food but doesnt always work - she gets nervous)With all due respect to people that have answered I have improved her so called not improving aggression to a point where her quality of life is great and she does not pose a risk to society. If you say that aggression cannot be diminished you have never worked or rehabilitated aggressive dogs before as i have. She is not perfect but she has evolved from a creature that used to go rampage as soon as she saw someone at meters of distance to a dog i can comfortably go to the beach, to the coffee, to the dog park. She has walked 80% of the way i just wanted some hints to finish the 20% left.

      How to help my dog - Aggression - finishing rehab?

      How to help my dog - Aggression - finishing rehab? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Before you talk to someone on the street- Ask them to let your dog sniff their hand-Carry treats with you and let your friend give your dog the treatsThis will let your dog asociate meeting people with good things.You might also want to try inviting new people to your house often to help your dog learn how he should behave and only reward him when he does it correct.

    • No Pedro..your dog's fear aggression never went away, it was simply managed, but, because fear aggression is genetic, it cannot be cured, only contained.In VERY experienced hands, it can be managed and stay that way, but, with inexperienced people, it will simply be a liability.

    • Your dog needs to be humanly put downYou can never cure aggression,. only manage it and fear aggression only gets worse and can not be managed or curedYour dog is still an aggressive and is a ticking time bomb and should have been humanly put down instead of you wasting money one 'fixing' a dog that can never be helped.