Dog barking at a bush in corner for an hour and came back with blood on snout.?

My dog was barking for about and hour at a corner in my backyard. I went out to go check (not too close), and I didn't see anything except for a green eye because of the shine of my flashlight. I think maybe it was a snake cause it kept going back and…

    Dog barking at a bush in corner for an hour and came back with blood on snout.?

    My dog was barking for about and hour at a corner in my backyard. I went out to go check (not too close), and I didn't see anything except for a green eye because of the shine of my flashlight. I think maybe it was a snake cause it kept going back and…...
    General Dog Discussions : Dog barking at a bush in corner for an hour and came back with blood on snout.?...

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    • Dog barking at a bush in corner for an hour and came back with blood on snout.?

      Dog barking at a bush in corner for an hour and came back with blood on snout.? General Dog Discussions
      My dog was barking for about and hour at a corner in my backyard. I went out to go check (not too close), and I didn't see anything except for a green eye because of the shine of my flashlight. I think maybe it was a snake cause it kept going back and coming forward like snapping. I know that because my dog would flinch. But I'm not sure. Also, my dog had a few dots of blood close to her nose. I have no idea what it was but it it was a snake, I feel like she would be at the vet right now. I don't think it was a raccoon because, they would have run. It was kinda scary, so I didn't go too close. Please help!My mom and I were trying to get her to come inside and we were enticing her with treats and walks but she didn't come!

      Dog barking at a bush in corner for an hour and came back with blood on snout.?

      Dog barking at a bush in corner for an hour and came back with blood on snout.? General Dog Discussions
    • If, Due to snake bite ur dog passed away...then please don't pet any other dog again.becoz dog give only dust, dirt, potty and rabies...There are millions of children in this world who wants parents. I think u understand.

    • I, personally, would take my dog to vet. Better safe than sorry. Worst case scenario: you waste money finding out it was nothing. If you wait to see what happens, you may regret it. Best of luck to you and your puppy.

    • so knowing the dog was cornering a living animal of some kind you just left the dog there? FOR about an HOUR .... You should have called the dog inside, or leashed him and brought him in to give the animal time to escape... You say you didn't see anything but a green eye,,.. well, then you DID see something! it was an animal of some sort. bird, snake, reptile, mouse, cat raccoon, etc. You say it was a snake, but then say you don't think it was a raccoon.. do you or do you not know what it was? You need to go check and see if you can figure out what it was in case it bit your dogs nose, and in case he gets a reaction of some sort. go to the vet. I have a dog then cornered a juvenile skunk for a couple minutes and before I could get her in, she killed it. I had to have it tested for rabies and have expensive shots for my dog. IT cost me LOTS>>>> not to mention the stink. HE didn't spray when alive but let loose a bit when dead.. so animals can cause harm just by scratching or nipping a dogs nose. they can transmit disease from saliva to blood ( a scratch or puncture) or saliva to saliva.