Is this a tumor or a csyst or something else?

My dog has a large thing hanging from near her stomach. It is about golf ball size and is red and really hard. What do you think it is? We are taking her to the doc tomorrow, but I just wish I could ease the worry right now.I forgot to add she is also 10…

    Is this a tumor or a csyst or something else?

    My dog has a large thing hanging from near her stomach. It is about golf ball size and is red and really hard. What do you think it is? We are taking her to the doc tomorrow, but I just wish I could ease the worry right now.I forgot to add she is also 10…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is this a tumor or a csyst or something else?...

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    • Is this a tumor or a csyst or something else?

      Is this a tumor or a csyst or something else? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has a large thing hanging from near her stomach. It is about golf ball size and is red and really hard. What do you think it is? We are taking her to the doc tomorrow, but I just wish I could ease the worry right now.I forgot to add she is also 10 years old and it doesn't seem to be bothering her.

      Is this a tumor or a csyst or something else?

      Is this a tumor or a csyst or something else? General Dog Discussions
    • if you can move it around it might be a cyst that is filled with fluid which can be removed it might be something to do with her nipple also.don't worry until you see the vet. if your dog is still eating and acting normal just wait and see and hopefully it will be ok. take care and please let us know.

    • If it is hot and suddenly swelled up, I would guess an infection. If it is hard and near her mammary glands, would guess a tumor. Your vet can usually tell just by feeling something if it is cancer or not. Cysts are usually softer than cancers. Infections are hot and firm.

    • yeah, it could b a tumor. i had a gerbil that had a red tumor in its hind leg, and she ended up dying, so make sure 2 not cancel the appoitment! 2nite just make sure she doesnt act sick, or her behavor changes.good luck!