What would happen if all dogs were spayed/neutered?

(All dogs = pets, show dogs, working dogs, etc.)Do you think mandatory spay/neuter laws would be a good thing or a bad thing?

    What would happen if all dogs were spayed/neutered?

    (All dogs = pets, show dogs, working dogs, etc.)Do you think mandatory spay/neuter laws would be a good thing or a bad thing?...
    General Dog Discussions : What would happen if all dogs were spayed/neutered?...

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    • What would happen if all dogs were spayed/neutered?

      What would happen if all dogs were spayed/neutered? General Dog Discussions
      (All dogs = pets, show dogs, working dogs, etc.)Do you think mandatory spay/neuter laws would be a good thing or a bad thing?

      What would happen if all dogs were spayed/neutered?

      What would happen if all dogs were spayed/neutered? General Dog Discussions
    • Very very very very bad. Very bad.A world without dogs would be a sad, sad place.I am all for the responsible spay/neuter of pet quality dogs. I'm not, however, for the extinction of dogs.ADD: I think we should spay/neuter the TD Fairies. I'm ALL for the extinction of them :)

    • Mandatory spay/neuter would do a whole lot for the dog population. No more irresponsible people would be breeding! But...Someone has to keep the dog population going. Let's say the dog population goes down enough so people can start breeding again. Who would do the breeding? And with what dogs? And what about the working dogs? The dogs bred for a purpose, that were bred to work?

    • no more dogsthe reason people say get your dogs fixed is because we want people to do that but we know that not all people willtherefore we still have some dogs but not 2000 dogs every square mile

    • if all dogs would have to be spayed/neutered it would be very very bad. all of the dog breeds would vanish, become extinct. without reproduction the species cant survive. if anyone isnt planning on having puppies then get ur dog spayed/neutered, otherwise dont. but only have puppies if u know u can provide the correct care. and the puppies arnt a surprise.

    • *Zap* If all dogs got spayed/neutered then dogs would be exctint in about 20 years. Wow. I just wish all dogs except for the GOOD breeders/show dogs were spayed/neutered.Edit : Can't we spay/neuter the Trolls?

    • Depends. In some cases a good thing - no more BYB and puppy mills. In others, bad - show dogs and quality dogs would be gone too (eventually.)I think that all shelters need to require the dogs to be spayed/neutered instead of just some. I think that any dog not going to be shown, competed, put through service or therapy dog training, put through police or law enforcement training, etc should be spayed/neutered.But how would that be enforced? Shelter is easy enough - they have the dogs in possession. But in general... would pet shops require another form for spay/neuter OR provide the spay neuter? What about puppy mills already in existence? What about irresponsible people already out there with intact dogs? Would the vet(s) of these people be required to force them to spay/neuter and how would that work? What if irresponsible greeders decided "Hey, since my vet is saying i have to stop breeding, i just won't go at all!"As good of an idea as it is, i don't see how it would be possible. Certainly pet stores and shelters could spay/neuter before sale OR have a contract for it... but you can ALWAYS find animals.Add - if anything like this were to be put up for thought in the gov't i would support it if it meant healthier dogs and less irresponsible people. But ONLY if it left loopholes for the show dogs and breeding quality dogs to keep the species alive.

    • Actually dreamer depending on where the law is enacted and how it is worded there may or MAY not be exemptions for such dogsAs for mandatory laws I disagree with them on the face that there are owners who are RESPONSIBLE and have never had one unwanted litter.I think it would be better to just make people who have intact animals apply for a permit(the exception being show dogs breeders(legit) cops etc) and if their animals do breed they get fined for EACH pup their animal produces.

    • When dogs become an endangered species, I guess we'll need to deal with that problem. Don't see it happening soon.This is the same old arguments breeders make all the time. They need to come up with a better line since it is obviously far from the truth and unlikely to come to pass.Mandatory spay/neuter laws require breeders to get a license. They do not prohibit all breeding. If written correctly to allow breeding under the right circumstances, they are useful.It is working in a community near mine that has an overpopulation of pit bulls.

    • Eventually the dog population would slowly wither away....I assume there would be underground breeding practices...there are always people that break the law.I would rather the mandatory spaying/neutering/sterilization of future idiots....yep. They would reproduce like that i tell you!

    • I would vote against this if given the opportunity. If a dog is owned by an individual, it is their choice - but that person should be responsible for their pet and if it's a male, not let it roam around impregnating females and if it's a female, then it should be kept under guard during it's cycle. Why would anyone want to have a mandatory spay/neuter law?

    • After all of the dogs die, no more lovable puppies! Not all dogs should be neutered, but the ones running lose, maybe should.It is your choice to have your dog spayed or neutered....... I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR MY DOGS. I HAVE CHOSEN TO GET ALL OF MY FOUR DOGS SPAYED AND NEUTERED.

    • Clearly VERY short sited. And fitting right into the Animal Rights, HSUS, PETA agenda. In 25 years or so there would be no more companion animals, only a few feral animals who had managed to survive.JUST SAY "NO" TO THE PETA ANIMAL RIGHTS AGENDA!!!!