What would happen if all dogs were spayed/neutered?

(All dogs = pets, show dogs, working dogs, etc.)Do you think mandatory spay/neuter laws would be a good thing or a bad thing?

    What would happen if all dogs were spayed/neutered?

    (All dogs = pets, show dogs, working dogs, etc.)Do you think mandatory spay/neuter laws would be a good thing or a bad thing?...
    General Dog Discussions : What would happen if all dogs were spayed/neutered?...

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    • Well, that depends. *I* think it would be bad. Here's why:**All reputable breeders tend to be law-abiding, and would spay/neuter their pets. However, puppy millers and BYBs who tend to live outside the law anyways, would NOT spay/neuter so we would have some crappy-quality dogs. That's sad.**If, by some miracle, it did happen, people arent going to live without dogs. Period. So, you get people capturing baby wolves, coyotes, and foxes (or worse--adults!) and passing them off as dogs. Not a safe situation.**What about the small percentage of dogs that cannot be spayed, due to anesthetic reactions? I agree with Fallon--spay 95%. Choose only the best of the best and keep them unspayed...it'll work for awhile.

    • no the law should not make spaying and neutering mandatory because then breeders wouldnt be allowed to raise dogs. then we'd have no doggies!! that would be horrible.

    • Others have made great points against mandatory spay and neuter (MSN) laws, despite what others say regarding breeders needing a new line.The one thing no one mentioned thought that I could see is that MSN has never worked wherever it has been enacted. The opposite has always occurred with more dogs ending up in shelters and being euthanized.I myself keep intact animals and have done so for 33 years and never put a litter of pups on the ground. It doesn't take a rocket scientist in order to keep dogs from breeding, just a little common sense. I keep intact animals because in my experience they are healthier that way. All my animals have lived to ripe old ages, save for three, which died at 8,9, and 11 years old, all unrelated dogs and different breeds. They died of brain tumors and cushion's disease. None of which have anything to do with reproductive organs.I'm sorry Shannon, but I can not agree with your answer. I am responsible with my animals, yet they are intact. Why should I or anyone else like me be forced to do something that we don't believe is healthy for them?Want to stop this perceived overpopulation problem, educate people on how to deal with the issues that arise as a dog owner. Make sure that the leash laws are enforced and watch as the number of animals turned in plummets.Did you know that over 70% of animals owned are already altered? That the Euthanasia rate has dropped from over 25 million pets euthanized each year down to 2-4 million pets? That there are other reasons why pets are euthanized other than "lack of room" and also count towards the total number each year?

    • Here's my idea:To breed your dog, you MUST go through a special council of some sort. Only after they've evaluated him/her and given an 'okay' you can find an also 'okayed' dog of the same breed. This would apply to working and show dogs, not the Average Joe. Average dogs would be fixed, period, unless they have superb etc. etc. that has been proven.It would be illegal to sell dogs on the internet or in shops, places of buisness, etc. You can only adopt dogs from qulaified shelters and rescues. "Okayed" dog owners can sell their puppies, however, the dogs are always on a spay-neuter contract (unless they've been proven, etc.).That's the only thing I can see. That way, we can still have pets, but we won't have an overpopulation problem.Now, onto cats/bunnies/rats/snakes/lizards/fish...EDIT: Wanna know something funny? I always thought spaying and neutering pets was a no-brainer. All of my pets (save two stray cats that we thought were young boys) and fish have been desexed. It never crossed my mind to keep your dogs intact. That is, until I came on here.My mom and I did have two cats who each gave birth to some kittens. We thought they were boys. Well, guess what? They weren't!We brought them in to be neutered at the vet told us "Umm... your cats are girls. And, they're pregnant." So, we had eleven little kittens!We got all of the kittens and the mommies spayed/neutered, and we found homes for them from neighbors and friends.

    • If all dogs in USA were altered, the puppies would come down from Quebec, and sell for Ooodles!( QC is puppy mill capital of the world) or from Mexico, where there are no humane regulations at all. If they were all altered in QC..they would come over from the puppy mills of Hungary, and sell for Mega-ooodles.If it became a worldwide thing..there would be no more dogs in about 15 years. There were only 822 new pups registered ( USA)of my breed last year..It is already a vanishing breed..sigh

    • Never happen, so the question is moot. That would be like trying to census every last person on earth.Mandatory S/N laws are terrible because they only punish the good owner who complies with laws in the first place. Criminals and scum BYB's will continue to rampantly breed. Puppymills would be protected under business laws. And those orgs that NEED dogs, like police and service dogs- screwed because they won't be able to attain top-quality animals.I say, REWARD people for S/N their pets. A free dog license. A tax break. A free rabies/distemper shot. An ice-cream cone. SOMETHING.Proven in many studies that INCENTIVES are far more effective than PUNISHMENT.

    • Totally agree with Maltese, we should spay but no so much that the whole species gets wiped out!Ha, they wouldn't anyway with all the "iz ma dog preggerz!" people in the world. ;)

    • How or why would that be a good thing?I think a mandatory spay/neuter policy for all pets owned by people who do not have a breeders license would be a good idea....but that would require a complete overhaul of the current system and lots of money to enforce it.

    • WELL DUH !!!!!! That will never happen.~~ Rest assured I would be the first in line to protest.~~ I cannot imagine my life without a dog or cat or both inside my home.~ You have no idea how they enriched my life.~~ For 77 yrs. I have not lived without the affection of an animal.

    • well...dogs would stop giving birth, when a dog dies, that is minus one dog, if many die, that is minus many, then, dogs would become extinct!!! i LOVE DOGS!!!!!!

    • Spay/ neuter laws won't work because of all the exemptions/loop holes it would create. It was created as an excuse to cut back on funds for animal shelters. It's definitely a bad thing. Education not sterilization is the answer.

    • If you want a Country with no dogs in 20 years time then it would be a good thing! I just hope I'm not around to see it. I'm sure you don't want that eitherIt's controlled breeding we need not NO breeding at all.I've owned dogs and cats for over 50 years and never had an unwanted or unplanned litter, or had a male sire one. I still wouldn't automatically neuter a male dog, but think it better to spay a female. One case of Closed Pyometra in a full female was enough to convince me of the benefits!I used to breed cats so know that full animals don't make good pets, especially males. As they are lucky enough to be able to be outside cats, it's essential that they are spayed or neutered. I don't think mandatory laws ever fully work. There are always those who would break them and one thing Peta and the like will never do is persuade the whole world to live by the same rules.