Wouldn't Spaying a female dog be the same as creating a menopausal woman?

Doesnt an animal need hormones to function properly? Spaying a dog or neutering is cutting off estrogen and testosterone right? I know the benefits of getting my pet fixed if I don't plan on breeding, but at the same time, how can they still function as…

    Wouldn't Spaying a female dog be the same as creating a menopausal woman?

    Doesnt an animal need hormones to function properly? Spaying a dog or neutering is cutting off estrogen and testosterone right? I know the benefits of getting my pet fixed if I don't plan on breeding, but at the same time, how can they still function as…...
    General Dog Discussions : Wouldn't Spaying a female dog be the same as creating a menopausal woman?...

    • Wouldn't Spaying a female dog be the same as creating a menopausal woman?

      Wouldn't Spaying a female dog be the same as creating a menopausal woman? General Dog Discussions
      Doesnt an animal need hormones to function properly? Spaying a dog or neutering is cutting off estrogen and testosterone right? I know the benefits of getting my pet fixed if I don't plan on breeding, but at the same time, how can they still function as a living being with so many hormones missing?

      Wouldn't Spaying a female dog be the same as creating a menopausal woman?

      Wouldn't Spaying a female dog be the same as creating a menopausal woman? General Dog Discussions
    • It is very important for you to realize that dogs are not people. Their bodies do not work the same way that ours do. Spaying and neutering a dog do not have the same effects on them that the same procedure would have on a person.

    • animals reproduction cycles dont quite work the same as ours.No they dont need those hormones to function properly. Those hormones are only needed for the purpose of procreation.Plenty of altered pets function quite normally after being altered.

    • No, not at all. Menopause is actually really uncommon in animals. Most animals don't go through menopause. There are only a few species that do, such as elephants, certain monkeys, and certain whales.I know that in women who get a hysterectomy (basically the same procedure that a dog who's spayed gets) don't go through menopause, so why would a dog go through it from getting spayed?Anyway- menopause isn't the end of the world, and it certainly beats ovarian cancer!

    • You are quite right to question the routine practice of sterilization. Spaying prior to the 1st heat cycle can remove the chances of mammory tumors but after the 2nd heat cycle the risks go way down. Keeping hormones natural as nature provides can help in preventing approx. 8-10 other types of cancer. An excellent source to read is dogtorj.com. Quite elementary, natural is the way God intended the body. My biggest concern is pyometra, which is a uterine infection and quite dangerous. Learning the symptoms are important. Read up on incontinence caused by spay. It is quite common. It also becomes a life sentence.

    • A spayed dog would be more like a woman who had her ovaries removed. That's because after a woman goes through menopause, her ovaries still continue to make a small amount of hormones.I know a lot of people like to question the validity of having their animals fixed but they should know what happens with dogs that remain intact. This is more than trying to find homes for puppies. For example, female dogs go into heat every few months. Do these people really want to have to buy their dogs diapers or restrict where they can go in the house because dogs menstruate and the blood will drip on the ground if the dog doesn't catch it by sitting down and licking her butt? Other things that happen is that the dog will constantly try to get outside and every male dog in the area will be hanging around the yard. In my opinion, any concerns about how the lack of hormones might affect them or how they might feel about having been sterilized is more than offset by having to deal with the dogs going into heat.