Why do people say afghan hounds are dumb?

Why do people always say the afghan hounds are dumb there not there just stubborn, i have never owned one but have met one before and he was really smart he knew how to bark on command and do that thing were you lie on your back put your feet in the air…

    Why do people say afghan hounds are dumb?

    Why do people always say the afghan hounds are dumb there not there just stubborn, i have never owned one but have met one before and he was really smart he knew how to bark on command and do that thing were you lie on your back put your feet in the air…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Why do people say afghan hounds are dumb?...

    • Why do people say afghan hounds are dumb?

      Why do people say afghan hounds are dumb? Dog Breed Discussions
      Why do people always say the afghan hounds are dumb there not there just stubborn, i have never owned one but have met one before and he was really smart he knew how to bark on command and do that thing were you lie on your back put your feet in the air and they balance on your feet and knew every single basic command and the harder ones to, how could you say this beautiful breed is dumb tell me }:|

      Why do people say afghan hounds are dumb?

      Why do people say afghan hounds are dumb? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I love the breed, but in my experience, they're pretty dumb. Mostly just slow thinkers, but doesn't mean they can't grasp the concept of anything. Beautiful though.....but poodles are meant to be the smartest dogs, but every poodle I've ever come across has been the dumbest butt ever. So I wouldn't trust me lol

    • I think the dumber person is the one who says afghan hounds are dumb without even owning 1For me all dogs are smart humans just don't know how to bring out these talents so that makes the human dumber than the houndsIts like being a parent if you cannot or don't teach your child how to be smart and the child becomes dumb when it grows older then that makes the parent the dumbest. You reep what you sow

    • They aren't dumb, they are just pretty untrainable, there is a difference.Afghan hounds are quite aloof, and are not a breed which is madly keen to please its owner. Imagine a really posh person looking down their nose at someone- thats the afghan, they like to think they are better than everyone. Many people find this quite frustrating and brand them as stupid, but to Afghan hound enthusiaists, this character is something which they find endearing.Many of the afghan hound people would find it a nightmare having a dog who always wanted to be playing with a ball, or wanting to cuddle up to you all the time, where we other dog people enjoy this.

    • Labeling a dog as smart or dumb has no bearing on what commands a dog knows. Moreso, how quickly does the breed generally catch on to a command initially? How is their problem solving skills outside of basic obedience? Do they have a strong desire to attempt to appease the owner? The list goes on from there. So is the Afghan DUMB? According to how they test intelligence of a dog, they are considered that. Because they don't catch onto a command quickly and can take up to 100reps to finally show interest in understanding the command. Take one of your top 3 most intelligent dogs. In a scenario of teaching a new command, most of these breeds understand what you are asking before the 10th rep of asking it. It is said the Afghan and many other dogs dont catch on this fast. Some don't even try. They stare at you blankely with the "yeah, um, not today" expression on their faces xD. So are they dumb and not catching on? Or simply stubborn and could care less? Really it doesn't matter. DUMB is a label thrown on and really is what it is saying is the breed generally does not have the willingness to try to appease and understand. Most of your more independent, bullheaded or obstinate breeds can be labeled this way.I got to meet an Afghan for the first time a year or so ago. Someone moved in to our town who owned 2 of them. The breed naturally intrigues me. They are gorgeous imo. Just very very original looking and oh so regal. One thing I noticed about them straight away is they are cat like. Quiet and aloof overall. Not as demanding as, lets say, a Labrador. I am told they have a very very low pain threshold and they are a breed that if you wrong them in any way, they won't learn. They stubbornly shut down. This is not a breed that if you get frustrated at and accidentally loose your temper...gets over it very well. Because they take slower to learn and need gentler methods, some people simply cannot get through to them. Couple their bit slower learning with their really really high drive to run and chase and tada...that is a problem for most people. They seem to have a very soft sweet temperament. I find dogs who are naturally soft to be a bit harder to train. They are more sensitive to overall body language and shut down easily just due to that. Afghan enthusiast have a way with them. They have a personality suited to the breed and can train them without a problem.