What do you think would be a good name for this dog ?

She's an afghan hound. She's creamy light brown...gorgeous! ha what do you think, this is what she'l probably look like when shes…

    What do you think would be a good name for this dog ?

    She's an afghan hound. She's creamy light brown...gorgeous! ha what do you think, this is what she'l probably look like when shes…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What do you think would be a good name for this dog ?...

    • What do you think would be a good name for this dog ?

      What do you think would be a good name for this dog ? Dog Breed Discussions
      She's an afghan hound. She's creamy light brown...gorgeous! ha what do you think, this is what she'l probably look like when shes older!http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://images.marthastewart.com/images/content/web/pets/akc/2009Q1//afghan_bloom_xl.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.marthastewart.com/article/akc-meet-the-breeds-afghan-hound&usg=__Gc5jsAodDCaSgQ_YVaMUf8JT3y0=&h=450&w=360&sz=76&hl=en&start=63&zoom=1&tbnid=VMeUiGqQdovdVM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dafghan%2Bhound%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1003%26bih%3D437%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=670&vpy=59&dur=620&hovh=251&hovw=201&tx=118&ty=168&ei=7FQOTca-Oozq4AbQ_siGAg&oei=0lQOTcjMD4eAhAfg2Pm3Dg&esq=7&page=7&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:63BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS

      What do you think would be a good name for this dog ?

      What do you think would be a good name for this dog ? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I would name her Willow.You can't really tell the final color of an Afghan hound, until they get their adult coat. They usually become lighter each season, unless they are black.I have read your other questions, and would encourage you to allow at LEAST two miles per day, at BRISK pace. A leisurely 45 minute walk just won't do it. The Afghan hound must move quickly, ( at least a trot) to get enough exercise to keep them healthy. So, you need to consider that you need to be able to jog ( not walk) at least two miles with your hound. Otherwise, they will not develop their proper heart and lung health, and will be short-lived..They need a venue to run, such as a fenced school ground.. *If you can't give them a venue to run, at least weekly, please don't get one. They are born to run, and can never be truly happy without it*. You can't move fast enough to give them a workout, so they must run free. However, they can never be allowed off-leash, unless the area is totally fenced, at least 6 feet tall. Some of my hounds will leap over a 7 foot fence, but those are the large males.The Afghan hound is very high maintenance. That is why you see so few of them. They require SO much dedication and hard work.A "quick" brushing won't do it either. You will need to plan 2 hours per week for brushing. That is 30 minutes per day, IF the hound has not gotten into mud or briers. That magnificent coat picks up EVERYTHING, attracting as a magnet. If you miss one day, it will take an hour to groom the following day.An Afghan requires the utmost exercise in patience. You must remain soft-spoken, calm, firm, and fair, and maintain a sense of humor. All household members need to do the same. If there is arguing, yelling, violence, corporal punishment, etc, your Afghan will shut the World out, and become unresponsive.Afghan adults take a long time to bond with a new family, as much as 8 months, so you need to have a long-term commitment. At 14, do you know where you will be living as an adult, or if you can have a large dog in your home, or at a university, etc? A healthy Afghan will live for 18 years, and I personally know one that is 22 years old, and still running 6 miles per day. So, you need to remain as dedicated for a good many years. There is so much more that you need to know about their diet, health requirements, and how to effectively train them. They aren't just another dog. The best way to learn, is to spend some time with the breeder..not just a short visit, but some real time. Offer to come weekly to help the breeder groom, so that you can learn more about the hound.They are, indeed, an amazing breed! I have had them since 1983, and I would never choose to live without at least one.