Should I use Metacam for my 11 month dog after being spayed?

I asked the vet for some pain killers so that she doesn't hurt as much. Then I researched the drug since I am used to giving dog pain killer PILLS. I read that it was not tested properly and can kill dogs very easily in a matter of DAYS. It is a DEATH…

    Should I use Metacam for my 11 month dog after being spayed?

    I asked the vet for some pain killers so that she doesn't hurt as much. Then I researched the drug since I am used to giving dog pain killer PILLS. I read that it was not tested properly and can kill dogs very easily in a matter of DAYS. It is a DEATH…...
    General Dog Discussions : Should I use Metacam for my 11 month dog after being spayed?...

    • Should I use Metacam for my 11 month dog after being spayed?

      Should I use Metacam for my 11 month dog after being spayed? General Dog Discussions
      I asked the vet for some pain killers so that she doesn't hurt as much. Then I researched the drug since I am used to giving dog pain killer PILLS. I read that it was not tested properly and can kill dogs very easily in a matter of DAYS. It is a DEATH sentence for CATS. I was told to make it 20ml since she weighs 22lbs... I asked what if there was an overdose? the vet assistant didn't say anything. She just said if im scared of ODing my dog I can go less than 20ml. SO MY REAL QUESTION IS !! !!~should I take the risk of even giving it to her or let her hurt everyday until she fully recovers?They told me that she's on the meds right now and she is moaning.... I am to start it tomorrow... So should I give it to her or just throw away the medicine that probably cost 50 bucks?PLEASE HELP I DO NOT WANTT O BE A HELPING HAND TO KILL MY 11month DOG

      Should I use Metacam for my 11 month dog after being spayed?

      Should I use Metacam for my 11 month dog after being spayed? General Dog Discussions
    • Metacam (generic name meloxicam) is an excellent and popular anti-inflammatory (pain relieving medication) for dogs and cats. It is available in a liquid form for easier administration to pets (some people really struggle to give pills to their pets). It is safe to use in dogs and cats - cats have been given this drug before it has been approved for use in cats (which it now has). It is certainly not a death sentence for cats. I am also not aware of any insufficient testing. If you are using the syringe that came with the bottle, the lines on the syringe do not demarcate mL. They are precalculated amounts for different weights of dogs. For example, if you have a 15kg dog, you just draw up the liquid to the 15 mark on the syringe. This is much less than 15 mL. 20mL is definitely too much for your dog.The adverse side effects of Metacam are the same as any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (like aspirin). There is a small risk of stomach ulcers (which is why the drug is recommended to be given with food) and kidney toxicity (which is only a real concern if your dog is dehydrated or has underlying kidney problems). This is a very effective drug and I would recommend giving it to your puppy if she is painful - a spay is a serious abdominal surgery and pain should be managed as such. Just remember this is only to be given once a day. If you see any vomiting or diarrhea, stop the medication and tell your veterinarian. I hope I have answered all your questions and allayed your fears.