Should shocking dog collars be considered animal abuse?

Those things really hurt. <img src="" alt=":(" /> If you can't train your dog without using pain, you probably should just get a hamster and call it good.

    Should shocking dog collars be considered animal abuse?

    Those things really hurt. <img src="" alt=":(" /> If you can't train your dog without using pain, you probably should just get a hamster and call it good. ...
    General Dog Discussions : Should shocking dog collars be considered animal abuse?...

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    • Should shocking dog collars be considered animal abuse?

      Should shocking dog collars be considered animal abuse? General Dog Discussions
      Those things really hurt. :( If you can't train your dog without using pain, you probably should just get a hamster and call it good.

      Should shocking dog collars be considered animal abuse?

      Should shocking dog collars be considered animal abuse? General Dog Discussions
    • I think if anything is hurting a dog or made to hurt a dog, it would be abuse. Animals shouldn't have to deal with pain in order to be trained.Edit - Yes, I have used one. Turned it up high, and it gave me a jolt that hurt. Also, I've seen my neighbor use it on her dog, pretty sure it didn't enjoy the experience.Dogs are supposed to be man's best friend. They shouldn't be hurt. They make mistakes, just like people. Imagine going to work and getting shocked by your boss for doing something wrong. Not fun. Same with babies, people don't zap them for flinging food at the wall or crying. However, I admit, sometimes they are necessary, as with the rattlesnakes mentioned. It all just depends on how it's being used and who's using it.

    • No they don't hurt - I had one turned up as high as it would go and tested it on my neck. It tingled but I was ok. I've been hurt worse when a bitch in heels steps on my bare toe at a party. It's not animal abuse - sorry. O and I didn't even use it on a dog, I just wanted to see how strong it was.

    • I think it should! you inflict pain to the animal to teach it! you could say no firmly and i think if you are firm, they clearly understand. I actually heard that they can sense emotions in voice patterns like high pitched and friendly or scared.

    • Actually it's correcting the dog when it does wrong. Like in the wild the pack leader will bite[in a non-aggresive way] the other dogs to correct their bad behavior. Dogs are very tough, the collar doesn't really hurt them that much.

    • seriously. people say it dont hurt ever put that collar on YOUR neck?omfg it hurts evil neighbor used to have chihuahuas who barked alot she would get shock collars and put it on the highest and zap the hell out of was so mean, she dosent got not even a hamster now =]pinch collars and choke collars work just as well, its a quick thing and it dosent hurt that much just to startle them from whatever there doing

    • Well, I have to disagree with you. Have you ever tried one of these collars on? I have, and the current they send out is more surprising then painful. I have put my dogs on prior to using it on him and I was just more surprised when it "zapped" me then in pain. They are a good method of training a stubborn dog if done correctly.

    • Not always, though! Sometimes they are used professionally. For example, in my area there are rattlesnakes. Dogs are bitten every day and die from the poison because they have no fear of snakes. The collars are used to create a snake-fear so that the dog will avoid snakes. After the dog is trained (only takes a few times) the collar is removed and not used again.It seems mean but the dog will live now!

    • I disagree....Have you ever held one in the palm of your hand whil using the shock???I dogs are on an "invisible fence" system. Before I would consider it, I used in in my own hand to see what it feels like. It is NOT is extremely "uncomfortable". It was a weird feeling but it did not actually hurt. It just made me feel like I didn't want any part of it. I can't explain the feeling - it wasn't pain - it was discomfort. That's the only way I can describe it.So....get a hamster??? Get one yourself.... I am not using pain...also, I have a "remote" trainer for one of my dogs...same principle...but it also has a "tone only". NOw that he is trained to the invisible fence, I don't have to "go live" ...just tone only....These should only be used by knowledgeable owners, not those who are trying to scare their dogs (which I am not).If you don't like my opinion, oh well, you asked!