Are Afghan Hounds supposed to be bony???

We just got an afghan hound last night. He is REALLY bony... You can feel his ribs, shoulder bones, hips, bones in his necks, etc... My mother-in-law (who got the dog) says it is normal for afghan hounds to be like that, but my husband and I don't think…

    Are Afghan Hounds supposed to be bony???

    We just got an afghan hound last night. He is REALLY bony... You can feel his ribs, shoulder bones, hips, bones in his necks, etc... My mother-in-law (who got the dog) says it is normal for afghan hounds to be like that, but my husband and I don't think…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Are Afghan Hounds supposed to be bony???...

    • Are Afghan Hounds supposed to be bony???

      Are Afghan Hounds supposed to be bony??? Dog Breed Discussions
      We just got an afghan hound last night. He is REALLY bony... You can feel his ribs, shoulder bones, hips, bones in his necks, etc... My mother-in-law (who got the dog) says it is normal for afghan hounds to be like that, but my husband and I don't think so!

      Are Afghan Hounds supposed to be bony???

      Are Afghan Hounds supposed to be bony??? Dog Breed Discussions
    • They're supposed to be lean and athletic, but you shouldn't be seeing all their bones like that. Have you made a vet appointment yet? He may have a parasite. Until then, just give him a little extra food and light exercise to help him build muscle.

    • afghan hounds are bony but i don't thing they are that bony. if any of the ribs, hip bones, ext. are protruding past and some of his vertebrae are visible through the skin, thats thin... really thin.

    • I've had two afghan hounds and I don't like them bony either. I'm not sure what's going on with that. Maybe you should check for worms or give him more food. I prefer them to be strong with some muscles on their bodies. I looked at ten of them last night,they were skin and bones!

    • Do you know how much he weighs? If he is 29" at the shoulder he should weigh at least 60 pounds. You should be able to feel the ribs but also feel a layer of fat covering the ribs. If you can see all the bones in his vertebrae (across the back), he is to thin. The hip bones can be prominent. Shoulders can be bony. You should not see any bones in his neck.