Can you heal a dog with a broken leg or do u have to go to a vet?

like does the dog need rest, cuz my dog cries everytime we pick her up. But we don't have enough money right now to bring her to the vet. Please someone tell me what to do?!!!:(

    Can you heal a dog with a broken leg or do u have to go to a vet?

    like does the dog need rest, cuz my dog cries everytime we pick her up. But we don't have enough money right now to bring her to the vet. Please someone tell me what to do?!!!:(...
    General Dog Discussions : Can you heal a dog with a broken leg or do u have to go to a vet?...

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    • Can you heal a dog with a broken leg or do u have to go to a vet?

      Can you heal a dog with a broken leg or do u have to go to a vet? General Dog Discussions
      like does the dog need rest, cuz my dog cries everytime we pick her up. But we don't have enough money right now to bring her to the vet. Please someone tell me what to do?!!!:(

      Can you heal a dog with a broken leg or do u have to go to a vet?

      Can you heal a dog with a broken leg or do u have to go to a vet? General Dog Discussions
    • VET!!!Start calling around and see if they take payments. Apply for care credit put it on your credit card or borrow the money. The only other option is to surrender the dog at the ASPCA because you can't afford to take care of it.

    • You need to bring her to the vet to have her put in a cast! Money or not! Think about it, your poor dogs in pain! The vet will probably write for some meds for the pain. Borrow some money, charge it, don't just let a dog lay around in that much pain. I think you'd want to go to the doctor's if you had a broken leg....

    • please you must not make it suffer take her in animals suffer like humans-picture someone in your family broke there leg you would have to get hem to a hospital--i pet is famly if you love her you will get her fixed(her leg)

    • Don't try to heal it yourself! It is extremely painful to break a leg, so even moving probably hurts the dog.Try to go to a blue cross animal hospital, they may understand your situation. Or try a local humane society.

    • Go to the vet IMMEDIATELY, most vets will do payment plans for people who can't pay all at once. Your dog could end up getting an infection, or it could heal wrong, or not heal at all. Rest does NOT heal a broken bone, resetting it and wrapping and then rest does. And only a vet can reset a bone because they have the xray machines needed to find out what KIND of break it is and how best to fix it (if it needs pins, or just a reset and cast, or if it's just a dislocation), and they can give antibiotics that are safe for animals.

    • This isn't a minor problem that could be a judgment call. If your leg was broken, you'd find a way to get it set so you wouldn't be risking lifelong problems, wouldn't you? What if the end of that bone is in there tearing up nerves and shredding muscle as we speak?Find a vet who will work for you or turn the dog in to a shelter for treatment.

    • you need to see a vet... or else the nerves and muscles wont heel properly without pro help.... or you need to give it to the aspca... i doesnt need to suffer for your mistakes in money... you waunted this respondsablity... make the right choice!!!

    • I would definitley say TAKE IT TO A VET because they will make sure that it is in a cast. I know with money it's hard but when u think about how ur dog's in major pain with it's broken leg than u should take it to a vet.

    • Your dog needs to be seen by a vet, please call your local Humane Society or rescue organization, they should be able to give you some good leads on where to start on some kind of assistants. Please don't let your dog suffer anymore.

    • did you know in some states you could go to JAIL for not taking ur animal to a vet when it needs to go?.. its called animal cruelty and if you didnt have the money to take care of an animal then whyd you buy it?! TAKE IT TO THE VET!

    • U don't have enough money for a doctor...hmmm...let's see, then maybe you shouldn't have a dog or better yet tell the dog that it's an inconvenient time to need a vet so wait til next year or so. Maybe this should happen to you or one of your human family...let's see how fast you ge to a doctor! SHHHEEESHHHH!

    • Sigh. FIND THE MONEY. This is no excuse to let your pet suffer and it's bad karma for your family. If someone calls the animal cops on you, your dog will be taken away and your parents will be prosecuted. You don't have a choice. Tomorrow, take your dog to the vet for an estimate on the cost. Then go home and google or yahoo "animal rescues + whatever area you live in". Start calling the rescues. They have Good Sam Funds to help out poor dogs like yours. They won't cover the ENTIRE bill so you will have to call more than one rescue. If you are very diligent about calling, you can get the entire bill covered. Each rescue will pledge a small amount toward the bill to the vet. There is NO excuse not to take your dog to the vet now. I just gave you a solution. There are many places out there to help you in times like this. You owe it to your dog to do the work.If you don't want to do this, please be kind and take your dog to the shelter tomorrow. At least at the shelter, they will treat her and find her a good home who will take her to the vet when she is sick or injured.

    • You have to take your dog to the Vet. If you have an animal hospital or live in a larger town, some vets will finance or let you know where you can go to finance. My dog had to have an expensive surgery and that is what they suggested. Please do not put this off, you have to take care of your pet.Good luck.