How to stop two dogs from biting and scratching me?

Okay, so this is a pretty long (and sad) story.When my dog died, my other dog (dog # 1) was so sad and mad. They were both so sweet; never scratched or bit anything or anyone. They were such nice dogs, but ever since one of them dog, my other dog got…

    How to stop two dogs from biting and scratching me?

    Okay, so this is a pretty long (and sad) story.When my dog died, my other dog (dog # 1) was so sad and mad. They were both so sweet; never scratched or bit anything or anyone. They were such nice dogs, but ever since one of them dog, my other dog got…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to stop two dogs from biting and scratching me?...

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    • How to stop two dogs from biting and scratching me?

      How to stop two dogs from biting and scratching me? General Dog Discussions
      Okay, so this is a pretty long (and sad) story.When my dog died, my other dog (dog # 1) was so sad and mad. They were both so sweet; never scratched or bit anything or anyone. They were such nice dogs, but ever since one of them dog, my other dog got lonely. So my dad got a temporary girl dog from a friend, and she was the most voilent, meanest dog I've ever seen. (my dog has never lived or been with a girl dog before). This girl dog would get voilet and aggresive on my dog, and my dog hated her. After a while, he dealt with her, and since she was all he had, he is SERIOUSLY protective of her. He's so sweet. He let's nothing get to the mean girl dog, and he follows her everyone, and they do everything together.Unfortunately, she was such a bad influence. She ripped things, stole shoes, and scratched and bit people. She was a mess. Turns out, the owner hits/abuses the girl dog. Poor thing, huh?WELL, now my dog is rude, and scratches and bites people, and rips things when he gets mad. I miss the old him so much. He wasn't like this. I keep telling my dad to get rid of her, and finally after like 2 months of the mean girl dog being here, she's going far, far away.But there's another problem.Like, two days ago, my dad finally brought a new permanent dog to stay with my dog. She is the sweetest, most cutest dog I've ever seen. She never scratched or bit me. She was like freaking angel, she licked me, was so sweet, wasn't roudy, and was so nice to our cats.Well, the mean girl dog was still here, and she hated the new dog's guts. She literally beat up our new dog, and new dog would cry. And of course, my dog (dog #1) is very shallow and would listen to the mean, crazy girl dog. I'm guessing the girl dog is jealous? Idk. The NEW girl dog we just got totally changed after 24 hours of being here. She now scratches us, bites us, and barks at everything. Oh yeah, and she nwo barks at the cats, and the cats are starting to hate him. My little bros played outside with their toys, and my dog (dog #1) would grab them and give them to the mean girl dog. I sware my dog is like a slave to this mean witch. And the mean girl dog destroys everything at its site. And the NEW girl dog is now doing the same, and she is scratching everyone and biting people. My dad keeps on saying he's getting rid of the witch asap, but he's taking forever, my dad sometimes lock up the witch, but sometimes he doesn't.What can I do to stop two influenced dogs from being so mean? They are all pretty rude now, (the witch being the meanest), and as soon as that witch leaves, I hope my dog (#1) would be back to normal before the witch every came to our home, andmy newst girl dog that came two days ago, to be just a little more nicer. Anything I can do? I hear spraying the dogs water when they do somethign bad and saying "no" in a loud serious tone will help, and I defenitely don't want to hit them or abuse them and stuff. Also takign walks and making the dog exercise and stuff. Anything else (please)?I like, really want these two dogs (especially dog #1) to being nice and sweet again. Currently my dog (#1) dislikes the new girl dog (because the witch dog hates him too), but he doesn't hurt her or anything (not like the witch). I know my dog still has some sweet heart deep down somewhere, I just want him to get back to normal, and I know these two sweet dogs would be great friends.Please, any answer or suggestions will help, and sorry for the long story!-kThanks, and you're right. The two dogs are soooo nice to eachother now... the mean girl dog is the one who's causing alot of "drama" right now. HahaThanks, and you're right. The two dogs are soooo nice to eachother now... the mean girl dog is the one who's causing alot of "drama" right now. HahaThanks, and you're right. The two dogs are soooo nice to eachother now... the mean girl dog is the one who's causing alot of "drama" right now. HahaThanks, and you're right. The two dogs are soooo nice to eachother now... the mean girl dog is the one who's causing alot of "drama" right now. Haha

      How to stop two dogs from biting and scratching me?

      How to stop two dogs from biting and scratching me? General Dog Discussions
    • Your dog growls to let you know he is uncomfortable with a person or situation. Try to train him with basic commands to keep your dog focused on you in situations in which he is uncomfortable. If you are able to control your dog's behavior, he is less likely to bite. Yelling at them is not a big help, this will only encourage him to be more aggressive and spraying water to keep him quiet is a bad behavior.