Will my chocolate lab behave better if i have his nuts cut?

He is so out of line. I opened the garage door today to let him come in the house and he bolted. I commanded him to stop and he ignored me. I think maybe some ole bitch down the street may be in heat in a fenced in yard. I hear my dog crying and…

    Will my chocolate lab behave better if i have his nuts cut?

    He is so out of line. I opened the garage door today to let him come in the house and he bolted. I commanded him to stop and he ignored me. I think maybe some ole bitch down the street may be in heat in a fenced in yard. I hear my dog crying and…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will my chocolate lab behave better if i have his nuts cut?...

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    • Will my chocolate lab behave better if i have his nuts cut?

      Will my chocolate lab behave better if i have his nuts cut? General Dog Discussions
      He is so out of line. I opened the garage door today to let him come in the house and he bolted. I commanded him to stop and he ignored me. I think maybe some ole bitch down the street may be in heat in a fenced in yard. I hear my dog crying and sqwalling and carrying on for the last 2 days late at nite.

      Will my chocolate lab behave better if i have his nuts cut?

      Will my chocolate lab behave better if i have his nuts cut? General Dog Discussions
    • If a dog in heat is the problem here, having him neutered will fix that problem quickly. It can also help in other behavioral problems, but it's not an instant fix for anything except lady problems.

    • If you think the problem is a female dog in heat, then yes, neutering is a definite solution. Also, neutering is better for your dog's behavior and health overall, but there is no guarantee that neutering will make your dog listen to your commands.

    • Ok. You really need to watch a tv show that I'm totally into. Its the Dog Whisperer. He has a website too but the show is amazing! Have fun...calm and assertive.

    • yes my dog is 8 yrs old and has always been hyper and dis-obedient and i didn't have him fixed because i didn't want to cut off his family jewels you know -but i recently had a baby and gave My dog to my in-laws-- they got him neutered after 2 months of constant whining and now he's a different dog well behaved i wish i had got him neutered if i had i probably wouldn't have given him away it is the right thing to do if your dog is overly hyper

    • I had my Black Lab fixed and it did NOTHING. He is still as horny as ever. Now he tries to hump everybody in the house. His behavior has not changed like others said it would.Now the Vet says...He should calm down as he gets older.

    • that was not a good plan on your part, knowing he was wanting the mating game. and cutting him may or may not help. labs are just dumb and hyper and hard to live with until they are VERY mature anyway. yours needs more exercise ,I'm guessing.

    • Labs are known for the hyper personalities. I've had lab owners tell me that labs don't get out of that puppy personality until they're like 3 or 4. (Probably not something people talk about in regards to one of the more popular dog breeds in the US.)Neutering can help some issues. He won't be attracted to dogs in heat and he may calm down some.It sounds like your dog can roam freely, if I read your question correctly, and that's another issue. Dogs should not be allowed to roam a neighborhood/street at will. Your yard should have a fence, be it physical or invisible electric. This is a protection to your dog and people in the neighborhood. Someone else mentioned the Dog Whisperer show. HIs website is www.dogpsychologycenter.com and he focuses on behavior issues.

    • How old is your Lab? Neutering will calm his nature down when it comes to breeding. It will also extend his life believe it or not. However Labs are very active working dogs and need something to always keep them occupied. Proper training is very good to get him/her into. They also tend to chew a lot. You need to provide him/her with plenty of chew toys that are safe. Cow hooves and pig ears are also good and cheap.

    • I had my Chocolate Lab neutered at 7 months, and I definitely noticed a change in his behavior. As a puppy he would dig, chew, jump on people, and was generally difficult. At this time I also did obedience training with him. In your case, having your dog neutered would contribute to his overall health, but the bigger issue it seems, is that you need to consider serious training for your dog. I don't know how old your dog is, but If he doesn't know the basic "sit, stay, come" commands, this should be your first priority.