Any idea whats wrong with my dogs foot?

My dog has been limping for about 4-5 days now. It seems to be one of her front paws. I inspected the paw and saw nothing abnormal. She runs full speed with no problems when playing yet starts limping again when she slows down to a walk. She doesnt…

    Any idea whats wrong with my dogs foot?

    My dog has been limping for about 4-5 days now. It seems to be one of her front paws. I inspected the paw and saw nothing abnormal. She runs full speed with no problems when playing yet starts limping again when she slows down to a walk. She doesnt…...
    General Dog Discussions : Any idea whats wrong with my dogs foot?...

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    • Any idea whats wrong with my dogs foot?

      Any idea whats wrong with my dogs foot? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has been limping for about 4-5 days now. It seems to be one of her front paws. I inspected the paw and saw nothing abnormal. She runs full speed with no problems when playing yet starts limping again when she slows down to a walk. She doesnt seem to be in any pain at all so im not sure about the limp. Signs of lymes disease? Any ideas?

      Any idea whats wrong with my dogs foot?

      Any idea whats wrong with my dogs foot? General Dog Discussions