Is there a reason why my cat is licking my foot?

Someone left this gorgeous cat on the streets,they moved out and left it We took it in and he's the biggest fruitcake.He just loves people.But he only hangs about me for some reason.Anyways, he's been licking my foot and my big toe for some reason and I…

    Is there a reason why my cat is licking my foot?

    Someone left this gorgeous cat on the streets,they moved out and left it We took it in and he's the biggest fruitcake.He just loves people.But he only hangs about me for some reason.Anyways, he's been licking my foot and my big toe for some reason and I…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is there a reason why my cat is licking my foot?...

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    • Is there a reason why my cat is licking my foot?

      Is there a reason why my cat is licking my foot? General Dog Discussions
      Someone left this gorgeous cat on the streets,they moved out and left it We took it in and he's the biggest fruitcake.He just loves people.But he only hangs about me for some reason.Anyways, he's been licking my foot and my big toe for some reason and I don't like it.His tongue is like sandpaper.Is it normal for cats to be licking feet? I know dogs lick feet.But cats?And no I have no lotion on my feet.

      Is there a reason why my cat is licking my foot?

      Is there a reason why my cat is licking my foot? General Dog Discussions
    • Animals, unlike humans, cannot add salt to their foods like we do (or any other mineral), so they must look for it elsewhere. Humans tend to eat more salt than is needed, so we excrete a thin layer of it outside of our body when we sweat, meaning that it will now be on our skin. Animals have a craving for salt, so they will tend to lick anything that has it (rocks, your toe, etc). For the same reason, this is why we give horses salt licks and use salt to trick deers during hunting season.In winter conditions, you can typically see an animal or two licking an icy road, because they are simply going after the salt that has been spread around.The cat isn't trying to harm you and obviously trusts you enough to (somewhat) provide it with mandatory minerals that it needs to survive. Please don't shoo it away unless it starts biting you or something. :)