How to do you get your dog to be a therapy dog?

If you have a well behave dog that is capable of being a therapy dog how will one be able to get there dog in so they can start visiting hospital or stuff like that.Thank you all for your answeres.

    How to do you get your dog to be a therapy dog?

    If you have a well behave dog that is capable of being a therapy dog how will one be able to get there dog in so they can start visiting hospital or stuff like that.Thank you all for your answeres....
    General Dog Discussions : How to do you get your dog to be a therapy dog?...

    • How to do you get your dog to be a therapy dog?

      How to do you get your dog to be a therapy dog? General Dog Discussions
      If you have a well behave dog that is capable of being a therapy dog how will one be able to get there dog in so they can start visiting hospital or stuff like that.Thank you all for your answeres.

      How to do you get your dog to be a therapy dog?

      How to do you get your dog to be a therapy dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Once you get your offical paperwork from the organization you certify your dog through (TDI, Delta, etc) then stop by a facility you think you might want to visit and see someone in administration and see if they would like a therapy dog to visit.That is how you get started.

    • To be an official therapy dog, your dog has to pass a test and be registered with an organization. The requirements are pretty mundane, normal things that most well-behaved dogs should be fine with in my opinion. Things like walking near wheel-chairs, staying seated or in a standing position in a meet and greet, fine with kids, the leave-it command, are basically what we were tested on. The dog also has to be okay with strangers playing with it's feet and ears.But yes, short and to the point, to be an official therapy dog, you and your dog need to past a test held by a certified evaluator.