how do you treat a bitten off toe nail of a dog?

i was just playing video games when my helper informed me that my dogs toe nail on his front paw was bitten of by my other dog and now I see some red thing shaped as a nail sticking out of my dogs paw and i'm so worried about him what do i do. P.S. my…

    how do you treat a bitten off toe nail of a dog?

    i was just playing video games when my helper informed me that my dogs toe nail on his front paw was bitten of by my other dog and now I see some red thing shaped as a nail sticking out of my dogs paw and i'm so worried about him what do i do. P.S. my…...
    General Dog Discussions : how do you treat a bitten off toe nail of a dog?...

    • how do you treat a bitten off toe nail of a dog?

      how do you treat a bitten off toe nail of a dog? General Dog Discussions
      i was just playing video games when my helper informed me that my dogs toe nail on his front paw was bitten of by my other dog and now I see some red thing shaped as a nail sticking out of my dogs paw and i'm so worried about him what do i do. P.S. my dogs are both french bulldogs if that helps.

      how do you treat a bitten off toe nail of a dog?

      how do you treat a bitten off toe nail of a dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Clean the area where the torn toenail is located. The dew claw or the toenail up on the side of a dog's paw is a primary location for this type of tear. Remove any hair or dirt off the dog to get a clear view of the injury. Shave the hair from the dog's paw, if necessary, to allow for the appropriate medical care.

    • You really should take your dog to the vet. That red thing you're seeing is the quick, which when cut does bleed. My old dog broke his nail badly and the vet removed most of it and had to cauterize the quick so it wouldn't bleed.