What is a good way to document a paw print?

I tried to paint my dog's paw and press it on paper but she was kind of squirmy and it didnt turn out well at all.How else can I document her paw print?

    What is a good way to document a paw print?

    I tried to paint my dog's paw and press it on paper but she was kind of squirmy and it didnt turn out well at all.How else can I document her paw print?...
    General Dog Discussions : What is a good way to document a paw print?...

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    • What is a good way to document a paw print?

      What is a good way to document a paw print? General Dog Discussions
      I tried to paint my dog's paw and press it on paper but she was kind of squirmy and it didnt turn out well at all.How else can I document her paw print?

      What is a good way to document a paw print?

      What is a good way to document a paw print? General Dog Discussions
    • You can use clay and press her paw into it, leaving the print, then the clay gets cooked so it stays. This will again require her to be fairly still though. It may be worth desensitizing her to the activity, then giving it a try again. Get some treats, and ask her to sit. Treat her for the sit, but then while she is still in a sit, start handling her paw. Pick it up squeeze it gently, etc. Do all this while giving her a treat. If she is really really squirmy you may need a second person to fully distract her with a treat in her mouth the whole time while you are playing with her paw. Anytime she stands up, you take the treat away until she is back in a sit. When she is, have the other person distract her with the treat again while you hold her paw. Eventually you will be able to ask her to sit, take her paw and play with it, then put her paw back down and treat her for the whole behavior as one. This is when you will be ready to either make a clay imprint of her paw or a 'stamp' of it.Good luck!