How heal dog paw skin that scraped off?

My dog scraped off some skin on his paw and it is very sensitive. I cleaned it but I am wondering if it will grow back by itself? Is there anything I can do to help out?

    How heal dog paw skin that scraped off?

    My dog scraped off some skin on his paw and it is very sensitive. I cleaned it but I am wondering if it will grow back by itself? Is there anything I can do to help out?...
    General Dog Discussions : How heal dog paw skin that scraped off?...

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    • How heal dog paw skin that scraped off?

      How heal dog paw skin that scraped off? General Dog Discussions
      My dog scraped off some skin on his paw and it is very sensitive. I cleaned it but I am wondering if it will grow back by itself? Is there anything I can do to help out?

      How heal dog paw skin that scraped off?

      How heal dog paw skin that scraped off? General Dog Discussions
    • My dog torn all four of her paw pads on the concrete at a pool recently. It was so pitiful... she could hard walk for two days or so. After three or fours days though, they healed up perfectly. I talked to a vet that I know, and she said that there was nothing that they could really do and that they would heal up on their own. Just keep her off her foot as much as possible until it heals. You can clean it with a soft cloth, but my vet said not to put neosporin on it. You will be surprised how fast it heals.