I just adopted a dog and the pads of the bottem of her feet are taring off. How do I prevent this.?

The dog is a German Shephern and we got her 3 days ago. A whole top layer of the pad on the dog's paw is coming off. The dog dosn't look like she is in pain but it is kind of desterbing seeing her paw the way it is. Neither my mom or I could find the…

    I just adopted a dog and the pads of the bottem of her feet are taring off. How do I prevent this.?

    The dog is a German Shephern and we got her 3 days ago. A whole top layer of the pad on the dog's paw is coming off. The dog dosn't look like she is in pain but it is kind of desterbing seeing her paw the way it is. Neither my mom or I could find the…...
    General Dog Discussions : I just adopted a dog and the pads of the bottem of her feet are taring off. How do I prevent this.?...

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