I just adopted a dog and the pads of the bottem of her feet are taring off. How do I prevent this.?

The dog is a German Shephern and we got her 3 days ago. A whole top layer of the pad on the dog's paw is coming off. The dog dosn't look like she is in pain but it is kind of desterbing seeing her paw the way it is. Neither my mom or I could find the…

    I just adopted a dog and the pads of the bottem of her feet are taring off. How do I prevent this.?

    The dog is a German Shephern and we got her 3 days ago. A whole top layer of the pad on the dog's paw is coming off. The dog dosn't look like she is in pain but it is kind of desterbing seeing her paw the way it is. Neither my mom or I could find the…...
    General Dog Discussions : I just adopted a dog and the pads of the bottem of her feet are taring off. How do I prevent this.?...

    • I just adopted a dog and the pads of the bottem of her feet are taring off. How do I prevent this.?

      I just adopted a dog and the pads of the bottem of her feet are taring off. How do I prevent this.? General Dog Discussions
      The dog is a German Shephern and we got her 3 days ago. A whole top layer of the pad on the dog's paw is coming off. The dog dosn't look like she is in pain but it is kind of desterbing seeing her paw the way it is. Neither my mom or I could find the cause of this but we believe it is because she was in a crate most of the time and not she runs outside alot. We belive her pads are not though enough to withstand constant ware from the concrete, but we need a second opinion. If this is the reason how can you prevent this, or at lease minimise this.

      I just adopted a dog and the pads of the bottem of her feet are taring off. How do I prevent this.?

      I just adopted a dog and the pads of the bottem of her feet are taring off. How do I prevent this.? General Dog Discussions
    • ok first check spelling and the way u write. second i would ask a veterinarian and see what is wrong and the vet will tell u how to prevent this from happening again!

    • i think this is happening because her pads are weak from the crate and then suddenly having her on concrete. try to give her more time on a softer surface and gradually introduce the harder surface to her. it should be checked out by a vet to make sure things are OK. you may want to try doggie boots if putting her in soft surface is not available. boots will help protect her pads.

    • i think that u should take her to the vet to get it checked up on, but if that's not possible, wrap her foot, or put ointment on her to keep the pain away... But the vet will probably tell you to keep her off of cement ground, or patio flooring outside. At night, if she is in pain, keep her in a kennel or put her on the bed and make sure she doesn't move or she will hurt her paws. If it isn't just one paw, then you should keep her in a kennel most of the day, until she has to use the bathroom. But i recommend that you keep her in the grass if you are taking her outside for a walk or for her to use the bathroom.. But if its really bad put on doggie shoes so her feet are not exposed..

    • It sounds like it maight be "Hard Pad", a side affect of having had distemper, or perhaps you are correct about it just being the change of footing. Anyway, she would be helped by softening her pads with Bag Balm ( much the best, available at your drug store) or Vaseline. Then cover with booties, such as you can by at pet suplies, or on ebay. If you don't think she will tolerate booties, just apply the ointment last thing before bedtime, and it will help while she sleeps. This is not a cure, but a remedy for her comfort. As the pads get softer, she will be less likely to tear them and when they finally slough off, the new skin will be healthier, as Bag Balm toughens the skin.If you can manage, a vist to your vet will be most beneficial, and he/she may be able to discern the cause, and prevention.

    • this happens sometimes there is a easy fix add a little grease of fat to your dogs diet for one week and give him extra water. you may want to put some baby oil or a good lotion on his paw with in 7 to 10 days it should be ok. hes just has some dry skin...

    • I totally agree with bluecollie! her pads did most likely get bad by the crate. I agree that you should start on softer surfaces and make them harder gradually! it should make it better! I would also ask a vet about it!

    • Take you dog to a vet they will tell you what is realy wrong and how to fix it also they are professionals and they know what they are talking about So go and see one for you dogs sake.

    • It sounds like you hit the nail on the head, but now you got another problem...infection.If I would you I would go to the Vet, they will probably give you some antibiotics and maybe tape them up. The Doc will tell you anything and everything you need to know. But just incase write down a list of questions to ask and insert the answers.It sounds to me that you will need to keep the dog in his crate and only take him out on supervised walks until his feet toughen up.You will be surprised at just how fast dogs’ pads heal.Just remember that concrete is probably the single hardest t single surface for the pads of the feet.Good luck