What should I do if my dog had his paw smashed by the door?

Yesterday my dogs paw got closed on by someone closing the door and it started crying and crying. Then he went to sleep as he was breathing really hard. Now today he is walking around pretty well with an ocassional limp every now and then but for the …

    What should I do if my dog had his paw smashed by the door?

    Yesterday my dogs paw got closed on by someone closing the door and it started crying and crying. Then he went to sleep as he was breathing really hard. Now today he is walking around pretty well with an ocassional limp every now and then but for the …...
    General Dog Discussions : What should I do if my dog had his paw smashed by the door?...

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    • What should I do if my dog had his paw smashed by the door?

      What should I do if my dog had his paw smashed by the door? General Dog Discussions
      Yesterday my dogs paw got closed on by someone closing the door and it started crying and crying. Then he went to sleep as he was breathing really hard. Now today he is walking around pretty well with an ocassional limp every now and then but for the most part he is walking fine. Im wondering if I should still take him to the vet but I thought that if it was broken he would not be able to walk on it.

      What should I do if my dog had his paw smashed by the door?

      What should I do if my dog had his paw smashed by the door? General Dog Discussions
    • if he can still walk but limping chances are its not broken, just very sore. If it were broken he would not touch it to the ground at all. I would take him to the vet to be sure but since he can limp at least it can wait until Monday. If it is swollen or he cannot sleep because of it, you can give him benadryl(just not tylenol!). You will have to call the vet for the dosage.

    • Did you inspect the paw for any signs of swelling or any blood? If he is putting weight on the paw chances are he's ok. It's the ocassional limping that I would be concerned about, enough to have a vet check it out anyway so I would know for sure it's ok.

    • if you go to a vet....i hope you can find one that is not disease orientated...... or a pill pusher....healthey critters and people is what life is all about...so take it " easy"....not dis..eaSY.....SO SIT ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF YR HURTN PUPPY.....IF HE'S LAYN DOWNHAVE THE SORE SIDE UNDER HIM....if he won't lay that way...it's maybe sore and stiff there....the muscles can shorten..[to protect themselves]....and you can slip a hand under to see if there is tightness....i don't know the age of yr puppy....but he would go to his ma ma...if she were there....she would lick him in certain ways....and it is a most remarkable way that she does........some people have documented just where and how and wrote boooks on it...if you can i would try [email protected] have some fun....healing is a happy process you probably pet yr dog from head to tail....right?this time use yr other hand and pet him at least six passes nose to tail....if he was an older dog he would go away by himself and lick his paw....i hope he has quited down....if you talk soothing and quietlyto him....you too become soothing..and quieter....thats a good help stage.......now slip yr hands under him......left under shoulder wher the back of the front leg meets the body....right at the inside of the back leg and just stay that way...he will relax even more....and you will seethat after a while he will want to move...or change positions...you may even begin to feel a pulsein yr hand.....wait till you feel it in both hands........this helps realign the sore side that has pulled tight....now more fun....put his sore paw in yr hand....or if he wont let you....put yr hand over it....other hand goes to other back leg...at the paw...you should be sittn comfortable not having tho reach way out or strain.....he should let you do this and in a short time move his nose close to yr hand....just relax and watch yr friend....his breathing will change....you are doing the same things his mom would .....if he stays...that way....and he may want to get up after ten to 15 minutes [thats ok]...talk soothing....if hi gets up and sits or stands...he will put one paw out front....this tells you which paw to work with....if its the sore one or not....thats ok..... hold or put yr hand over the inside toe.of that foot.....put yr other hand at the opposite back foot....and hold the OUTside toeof that foot.....there will be a breathing change.... do each toe gently with the opposite toe....for a few minutes...........there is a normal body function flow that works in people and animals.....thats why we put our left foot out and our right hand swings back....when we walk..or skate....thats why dogs and cats /horses.....even moose and mice....move walk and run with their feet in cinque...thats why people can regain health by goin for walks...what we do is help that flow...by holding opposite fingers and toes....if there was a break....it will reset and mend itself.....if you have seen a vet...and got a cast.....this works through a cast.....i have known people to have worked on horses for leg problems....that seemed impossible in this simply lovn way....if he's gettngb around fine...do this anyway....both of you will benifit......i workedvon a baby deer yrs ago that was shot....in 18 hrs it was up and around.....in 12 the bullet holes were gone......i'm not telling you anything that isn't natural or not normal....it's just fun seeing the results......no drugs no booze ....just what yr made of...T L C